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  • World of Warcraft Recruitment SJG Guild lvl 25 - Horde - Frostmourne (Oceanic PVP)

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World of Warcraft Recruitment SJG Guild lvl 25 - Horde - Frostmourne (Oceanic PVP)
<Updated as of 21 November 2011>

Hi Teman- teman,

We are from < Schattenjàger > guild, server Frostmourne PVP Oceanic, Horde.

Berikut adalah lanjutan dari Kaskus thread kami yang lama -

Kami baru saja pindah dari Frostwolf Horde - US PVP server ke rumah kami yang baru di Frostmourne Horde - Oceanic PVP. Karena itu, kami membuka thread recruitment baru dan menutup thread yang lama. Jadi pindah ke thread sini ya diskusi nya.

We are looking for active members/ raiders to join our team in anticipation of 4.3 Dragonsoul raid progression, preferably looking for melee dps, tanks and healers for Raid 2 progression along with PWNEDFACEROLL PVP-ers.

Schattenjàger – Shadow Hunters in Germanic – is a mature casual progression guild. We are a “medium” guild…LOL!. We are not aiming for server first, elitist or perfectionist, but we do want to see the game content to the max of our capability. The reason is, we are all old-school players who are working full time jobs and some of us are already having a family. So, given the little time we have on weekly basis, we want to give in our “best” into this game. Many of our core raiders and council members have played the game since vanilla.

We welcome all PVE-ers and PVP-ers. Many of us run regular guild Cata Heroics dungeons, Cata Normal/ Heroic Raids and do Arena or Rated Battle Grounds together.

Jadwal Raid 1: Setiap Rabu, Kamis, and Minggu malam jam 21.00 – 00.00 WIB.
Jadwal Raid 2: Setiap Minggu and Senin malam jam 21.00 - 00.00 WIB.

Raid 1 team progression kami - 7/7 Normal Firelands and 2/7 Heroic Firelands. Raid 1 sekarang attempting Heroic Alysrazor.

Raid 2 team progression kami - 7/7 Normal Firelands. Full clear BOT/ BWD/ To4W.

Loot system for Fireland will be council-loot based on participation, raid contribution, gear priority and raid progression priority.

Saat ini guild kami adalah level 25 guild dengan 218 members.

Profile guild di Wow Armory:
Guild website (still undergoing construction):
Guild Code of Conduct:

If you have any inquiries/ questions or would like to join, please contact our council members in game – Astori or Raitos or Kiemas or Sigsauer or WeiBerriter. Alternatively, you may reply in this thread with you contact information or in-game character name and server and we will contact you.

Final word, we pay to play this game, so lets enjoy it together to the fullest by supporting each other as friends and throw all the drama away.
From Shadow Hunters : Good Hunting!

Berikut adalah video-video boss kills kami:

Overall bisa di check di Youtube under Yeynuma -

Firelands Heroic Raid:
Shannox heroic -

Majordomo heroic -

Firelands Normal Raid:
Shannox normal -

Beth'ilac normal -

Ryolith normal -

Baleroc normal -

Alysrazor normal -

Majordomo normal -

Ragnaros normal -

Older Raid:
Nerfarian alt run -

Al'Akir alt run -

Cho'Gall alt run -

More information about guild philosophy and background:

The core of this guild is made up of mature gamers over the age of 20, who enjoy a laid back environment full of jokes, random stories, hello kitty killer and mostly gibberish talk.
For players who are confused what the eff “Schattenjàger” means, it’s actually “Shadow hunter” in German. Hence our raiders are called Jàgers or Hunters.

Having said that, we are actually an Indonesian guild with German guild name (how random is that?).

The guild is actually formed by group of friends that have played World of Warcraft when the game was first invented. Of course we are not focused on recruiting Indonesians only, however, regardless we are all able to speak/understand English, we do still speak Bahasa majority in guild chat. If you do not understand what the eff we are talking about, just holla to us and we will speak in English no problemo.

Ok, now you know that we are quite a social guild, you may want to know about our raiding progression. We are not a “hardcore” PVE guild, although some of the rosters are hardcore players. We are not an “RP” guild, might as well state that from the beginning. We are also not a “casual” PVE guild. So what the hell we are, you ask? We are a “medium” guild lol. We are not aiming for server first, elitist or perfectionist, but we do want to see the game content to the max of our capability.

The reason is, we are all old-school players who are working fulltime jobs and some of us are already having a family. So, given the little time we have on weekly basis, we want to give in our “best” into this game.
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