HTC Desire Lounge --REBOOT--
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HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge>adb shell reboot recovery_

HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Pictures>_
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Rules>_
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\FAQs HERE_
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\PartyChat>_
Yang mau gabung di PartyChat Gtalksilahkan add desirelounge@partychapp.appspotchat.com di Gtalk agan
setelah join harap ganti alias dengan id kaskus, ato akan di tendang dari room
beberapa command list di party chat :
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Android Group>_
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Award>_
Phone of the Year - HTC Desire
Hottest New Phone for 2010 HTC Desire
T3 Gadget Award 2010

Gadget and Gizmos Phone of the Year 2010
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge>adb shell reboot recovery_

HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Pictures>_
Spoiler for Desire:
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Rules>_
- Dilarang nge-Junk, OoT (Out of Topic), one liner, gambar dan icon berlebihan.
- Dilarang berjualan atau memberi link jualan baik langsung maupun tidak langsung, sudah disediakan market tersendiri di page 1, silahkan menghubungi TS.
- Dilarang memposting hal-hal yang berupa SARA, BB, Flaming, kata-kata kasar/kotor, caci maki.
- Bila memposting berita atau tutorial dari tempat lain, harap mencantumkan sumbernya, serta nama penulis asli (untuk tutorial).
- Untuk tutorial, harap untuk tidak sekedar copy-paste atau menerjemahkan tanpa memahami isi dan resiko dari tutorial tersebut.
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\FAQs HERE_
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\PartyChat>_
Yang mau gabung di PartyChat Gtalksilahkan add desirelounge@partychapp.appspotchat.com di Gtalk agan
setelah join harap ganti alias dengan id kaskus, ato akan di tendang dari room

beberapa command list di party chat :
- /leave -> Leave this chat room. You can rejoin by sending another message to the room. If the room is invite-only, you may need to be re-invited.
- /list -> See who is in the chat room.
- /alias newalias -> Change what name you show up as in the room.
- /invite someemail -> Invite someone to the room.
- /me someaction -> Tell the room what you're up to. If you type /me is rolling his eyes, everyone sees [youralias] is rolling his eyes.
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Android Group>_
HTC:\G7-Bravo\Desire Lounge\Award>_
Phone of the Year - HTC Desire

Hottest New Phone for 2010 HTC Desire

T3 Gadget Award 2010

Gadget and Gizmos Phone of the Year 2010

anasabila memberi reputasi

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