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Serius Gan ane barusan nemu pinguin di rumah ane...
Serius Gan ane barusan nemu pinguin di rumah ane...
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Gan Ane Mau share nih gini nih gan ane kan lagi ngaskus pas sore2 nih gan..
tiba2 ane liat kok ada yang aneh gan di depan mata kaki eh mata kepala maksud ane..
Ternyata ane nemu burung kek pinguin gan ane kejar2 gan di depan rumah ane anehnya tuh burung kok g terbang2 and kesimpulan ane yakin bgt gan dan baru tau gan kalo pinguin tuh ternyata g bisa terbang gan
Dah sekitar 3 jam an ane kejar2 gan ketangkep juga akhirnya gan
lha terus ane masukin kandang kotak gitu gan..
Capek gan...Makanya ane buat trit gan mau nanya agan2 kaskuser yang konon kepintaranya melegenda...
Ane bingung nih gan..
pinguin yang ane tangkap nih jenis dari mana y gan ...??
kalo agan2 ada yang tau ...tolong kasih tau ane y gan...
nih gan macam2 jenis pinguin dah ane kumpulin di bawah gan..
bisa kasih tau ga' gan pinguin yg ane nemu yg mana y gan...
tolong bantu y gan..
mau tau prepiuw pinguin temuan ane buka dulu gan spolier dibawah ini y gan ...
pinguinnya kasian gan kaya gelisah gitu gan ane taruh kandang gan dari tadi g mau makan sama minum dia muter2 gitu gan dikandangnya gan..
Spoiler for pinguin ane nemu:
Nih gan pinguin ane gan
tuhkan gan dia muter2 sejak 3 jam yang lalu gitu terus gan..
serius amat gan..!!
Yang bisa jawab nih jenis apa pinguinnya ane kasih pinguin ane gan serius only gan..
prefer COD gan kalo mati dijalan ane g tanggung jawab gan buruan gan..
Jangan y gan atau maksud ane kan cuman mau share jenis2 pinguin hehe..
Spoiler for jenis pinguin:
terdapat 5 group pada PINGUIN
1. LARGEST: -Emperor -King
2. STIFF TAILED: -Adelie -Chinstrap -Gentoo
3.TROPICAL: -Magellanic -Humboldt -African Penguin -Galapagos
4. CRESTED: -Macaroni -Rockhopper -Royal -Erect Crested -Fiordland -Snares Island
5. MISC.: -Yellow Eyed -Little Blue or Fairy
Spoiler for :
Height: 3 1/2 feet
Weight: 70 to 90 pounds
Where it lives: Antarctic continent
Eggs: 1 egg incubated by the male
Spoiler for :
Height: 3 feet
Weight: 30 to 45 pounds
Where it lives: The islands of the sub Antarctic
Eggs: 1 egg incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 2 1/2 feet
Weight: 8 to 14 pounds
Where it lives: Coasts of Antarctica
Eggs: 2 green eggs incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 8 to 14 pounds
Where it lives: Antarctic Peninsula and nearby islands
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 32 inches
Weight: 10 to 19 pounds
Where it lives: Antarctic Peninsula and sub Antarctic islands
Eggs: 2 or 3 eggs incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 6 to 15 pounds
Where it lives: Argentina, Southern Chile, and the Falkland Islands
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 26 inches
Weight: 10 pounds
Where it lives: Coasts of Peru and Chile and nearby islands.
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents
African Penguin
Spoiler for :
Height: 27 inches
Weight: 10 pounds
Where it lives: southern shores of South Africa
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 21 inches
Weight: 4 to 6 pounds
Where it lives: The Galapagos Island
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 10 to 15 pounds
Where it lives: Sub antarctic
Eggs: 2 eggs laid, but only one incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 20 inches
Weight: 5 to 10 pounds
Where it lives: Sub Antarctic Islands
Eggs: 2 eggs laid but only one incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 9 to 16 pounds
Where it lives: Macquarie Island
Eggs: 2 eggs laid but only 1 incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 26 inches
Weight: 8 to 10 pounds
Where it lives: Sub Antarctic islands
Eggs: 2 eggs laid but only 1 is incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 22 inches
Weight: 6 to 7 pounds
Where it lives: Southern New Zealand and nearby islands
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents, but only one chick is raised
Snares Island
Spoiler for :
Height: 22 inches
Weight: 6 to 7 pounds
Where it lives: Snares Island and surrounding islands
Eggs: 2 eggs laid but only 1 incubated by both parents
Spoiler for :
Height: 26 inches
Weight: 10 pounds
Where it lives: Southern New Zealand and nearby islands
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents
Little Blue or Fairy
Spoiler for :
Height: 14 to 15 inches
Weight: 2 to 4 pounds
Where it lives: Southern Australia and New Zealand
Eggs: 2 eggs incubated by both parents
sumber gan..di sini
Update Komen di Bawah gan Di post 3
Terima Kasih dah Mampir Gan...
Kaskuser Yang baik selalu meninggalkan Komentar dan Rate..
Kaskuser Yang baik selalu meninggalkan Komentar dan Rate..
Dah banyak yang komen and ketawa tapi lom ada yang ngasih cendol makanan pinguin ane kan cendol gan..
Bagi y gan please
Bagi y gan please
Thanks y dah mampir gan
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