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All about MT Nestle
Nestle ngadain Campus road show neh gan!!?

untuk sementara ane tawna di ITS Surabaya ama Unibraw Malang...

Nama Perusahaan \t: \tPT. Nestle Indonesia
Judul Lowongan \t: \tLowongan Kerja PT. Nestle Indonesia
Posisi \t: \tManagement Trainee
Batas Pengiriman \t: \t3 Agustus 2010
\t \t
Keterangan \t: \tWe are looking for ambitious young graduated people with a vision, determination and a desire to succeed. Able to work in a team, integrating well with different disciplines, cultures and nationalities. People with leadership qualities, self-confident and realistic to become our:

Management Trainee

Campus Road Show will be held:
Place: Gedung Widyaloka Universitas Brawijaya
Date: August 5 & 6 2010
Time: 8:00am – 5:30pm

If you are:
- A graduate of year 2009 or 2010, fresh graduate or having less than 1 year professional experience with Bachelor / Master Degree from reputable university and with min. GPA 3
- Fluent in English
- Actively involved in organizational / extracurricular activities

Please pre-register yourself before August 3, by submitting your:
1. Name
2. University
3. Major/faculty
4. Year of graduation
5. GPA
6. Email address
7. Phone number

to the following address:
Job Placement Center
University of Brawijaya
Jl. Veteran

nah klo buat yg di ITS besok gan acaranya... bingungnya ane bsok itu ngapain yaaa??? klo tes kan biasanya diumumin pesertana emoticon-Hammer2 ??

kali2 dsini ada agan2 yang taw ALL ABOUT MT Nestle monggo d share gan....
termasuk GAJI and Suasana Kerja di Nestle Gan???

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ceuhetty dan bos.kutang memberi reputasi
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