Jujur aja Gan, ANE inicuma Silent Reader di kaskus...tapi ga tahan juga pengen komeng hehhe... MAJU TERUS PAKDE JOKOWI and PA AHOK... Bravoo :sup:
wkwkwkwkkk gokil, tau aja nih Ts nya, :ngakak:ngakak:ngakak jujur aja gw termasuk kategori kaskuser yg sillent reader, malez komen, tp Thread ini bikin gw pengen kommen....thanks nice info sist
wow SPG Bajaj cantik banget tuh gan :wowcantik tercekal says jangan di copas dong gan :( sepakaaaat gan, ma nyos
ID : yugimarshall Nama : sugiart mutakin Alamat : pomad bogor utara (depan smu negri 8), tp stay di ciputat tangsel Pekerjaan : kuliah, ngajar privat YM : yugimarshall <jrng aktif> FB : sugiart mutakin Twitter : yugimarshall <jrng aktif> skype : yugimarshall <add me> http://i111...
I sure hope you mean share things with each other. :p I'm not ready for that level of commitment with you yet. Just kidding, breh. Man....... I'm straight what do you think I am? I'm not MAHO..... LOL.....:shutups
Young Garuda Bird :iloveindonesias love them so much:iloveindonesias U-23 go fight, om Roys:iloveindonesias
skype yah,... :malu: I don't have an account for skype, I think I'll make it later,. :Yb I'm waiting.... One more good news, using skype we can improve our English faster... alot of fun. Sup, Lounge. Also hello yugi and Cakra. Hi, bro....sup? hope we can share each other. thanks
Hi... there EFers, I'm newbie in EF. I want to get a long with you all, learn and share many things from this forum..... how to get start it, guys? thanks (yugi) ps; add me at skype: yugimarshall :addfriends