motor punya jalan tol? makin banyak yang kebut"an mah iya. kemungkinan kecelakaan lalu lintas terutama sepeda motor makin besar
really? already uploaded in youtube? udah yg no sub tapi. nonton dari gerakan aja hehe tapi udh kentara kok soalnya sedikit" nyenggol isu aborsi segala. kalo mo nonton kayanya sih mesti ada ID youtube dan usia yg terdaftar harus lebih dr 18
in the offlicial gmmonetv youtube channel, why is hormones ep.8 tagged 18+ :bingungs I guess because in this episode, the most talked issue is about virginity.
------ Hormones - the Confusing Teens----- EP - 07 ----- ENG SUB -----------ADRENALINE -------- 2OjlHfJALy8 :kiss ---------- :kiss-------:kiss ========================== well thanks for update khun. a little comment for your previous post. we're sorry, sometimes we forgot that subber
masih ada ya trit yang ngebahas ginian? sangat kuno hahaha. menurut gw semua jurusan sama aja. terlebih buat gw pribadi yang kuliah masuk ke bidang seni. di sana semua sama aja ada yang dari jurusan IPS, IPA, Bahasa, Pariwisata, dan berbagai bidang SMK lainnya. sukses disini ga cuma diukur sama m...
All the casts almost have the equal roles,... But ----Don't come to conclusion , with only 5 episodes There will be more parts of Khwan in about 3-4 next episode. - The early of series will be the story about the soft part. Episode 1 -5 -- is not -- "the conflict & the most interesti
------ Hormones - the Confusing Teens----- EP - 04 ----- ENG SUB ------------SEROTONIN -------- hpQGm6EHTP4 :kiss ---------- :kiss-------:kiss Tar's Dad in the Series ---- = ----- Punpun's dad in real life P'Yong take the picture of all
kalo film yang genrenya mirip dengan ini jelas Crows Zero dong hehe. bahkan ada scene kalo si acchan baca komiknya crows tuh. kalo soal filmnya sendiri sih agak kurang ya Majisuka 1&2. yang ketiga sih gak nonton. aktingnya masih pada kurang waktu itu. jadi berasa dibuat"nya :malus
selamat hari raya Waisak bagi teman-teman disini kalo ada yang merayakan :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Happy Vesakh Day for some international kaskusers here too. especially Thai, Vietnam, etc :) Temen2 kalo ada yg punya link downloadnya kasih tau dunkk, plus eng sub nya he he he, pengen ngikutin ceritanya :toast kalo sekadar nonton sih bisa ke Channel GMM One TV langsung gan di youtube. tapi kalo sub sih belom
Got it from Punpun Fans Club Indonesia Facebook page. Hormones The Series Ep. 0 (unfortunately there is no subtitle :() FtjSUe9o4-o
aga-agan disini. ada yang punya link donlot puppet tools plugin buat after effects CS6 gak? suwun sebelumnya :malus :malus
punpuuuunnnnnn :kiss :kiss ane jrang nonton horor. klu yg horor kudu nobar :malus iya, saya juga sebenernya ga terlalu sreg sama genre horror sebenernya. Kmarin aja sempet ragu mau nonton Pee Mak hahaha. Ini juga dibela-belain cari info ya karena ada Punpun disini. :kiss widihh punpunn :kiss
ini juga gak kalah koplak gan. artwork sama ceritanya keterlaluan banget ini hahaha QDJY QOTAQ QTJYL LINK
Last Summer Teaser HD (English Subtitles) Version 2 For Punpun fans and Thai horror movie fans :D :D :D fPQ6gsu32n4
oh really ,as i know China has its ghost movie too,maybe like horror film "Red shoes" (star Ruby Lin) or Hongkong classic film "Chinese ghost story" yes,you're right,Vietnamese like Thailand movie alot,I myself also subbed a lakorn,many movie and lakorn are subbed in Vietnam....
i heard new that Pee Mak is banned in China %80%9D%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%88%E0%B8%87%E0%B9%80%E0%B8%AB%E0%B8%95%E0%B8%B8%E0%B8 %88%E0%B8%B5%E0%B8%99%E0%B9%81%E0%B8%9A%E0%B8%99%E2%80%9C...