sepi.......!! 12 soal spesial tulis siap diluncurkan....!! besok jam 10 pagi (mudah-mudahan udah bangun) aduh, blom bangun jam segitu om :norose: *mo begadang nonton bola* yeye celsi yeye :cendolb quid >> soal 2 clue 1: seorang wanita celingak-celinguk kebingungan mencari orang yg bisa dita...
Posisi Sementara maximcool = 33 (+2 The Avengers, +2 Click, +3 I Love you,Beth Copper, +3 The Innkeepers, +3 Paul, +1 A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints) ridholf = 17 (+1 Daydream Nation) celentee = 16 (+3 Disturbia) epic22 = 15 (+9 Soal Hangus) GNnGL = 15 (+1 Reality Bites) marcos20 = 9 (+3 The...
Cpt > Soal 1 clue 1 ; seorang wanita dan temanny mengobrol sambil minum arak di sebuah cafe clue 2 : lalu si wanita meracau dan mencengkram baju temannya dengan kuat My Sassy Girl Hello Stranger Cpt > Soal 2 clue 1 : dua orang wanita sedang ditolong oleh paramedic karna tenggelam clue 2 : l...
Posisi Sementara maximcool = 19 (+2 Lars and The Real Girl, +1 The Beaver) ridholf = 16 celentee = 16 GNnGL = 14 marcos20 = 6 (+3 Turn Me On, Dammit!) epic22 = 6 (+2 Igby Goes Down, +1 Amistad, +1 Ghost World) quidditcholic = 6 fblues = 6 (+3 G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra) cubluwt = 3 (+3 Hirokin)...
masa ga ada yg tau satu pun :berdukas salah :norose: dapet poin hangusan banyak :genit: soalnya om susah :( tiba2 nongol :cd ayo dong gath lg :o yuk :iloveindonesias
buat soalllll quid >> soal 1 clue 1: 2 orang pria (A & B) duduk tercenung sementara 1 orang pria (C) berbicara pada mereka quid >> soal 2 clue 1: seorang wanita celingak-celinguk kebingungan mencari orang yg bisa ditanya-tanyain
marcos20 >> soal 3 Bobby The L.A. Riot Spectacular Sand marcos20 >> soal 7 The Four Feathers Renegade Amistad
Posisi Sementara ridholf = 16 (+1 All About Steve, +1 Arena, +1 127 Hours, +1 My Sassy Girl, +1 Little Miss Sunshine, +1 Just Go With It, +1 I, Robot, +1 Fast Five, +1 Black Swan, +1 Shooter, +1 Step Up 3D, +1 2 Fast 2 Furious, +1 Catch Me If You Can, +3 Adventureland) maximcool = 16 (+1 Let Me ...
gimana caranya om biar bisa jadi penghuni yg imuts :babyboy btw salam kenal semuanya :D salam kenal om, semoga betah di sini :D tapi... tapi... :cd: poin untuk GNnGL (+1) jawaban marcos20 post #3437 mufa1428 >> soal 29 Gu...
Posisi Sementara GNnGL = 3 (+3 American History X) =========================================== =========================================== Daftar pembuat soal: mufa1428 = 40 (+8) vnaruto = 1 ridholf = 1 Kumpulan soal yang masih belum terjawab vnaruto >> Soal 1 Clue 1: Seorang wanita masu...
soalnya sub indonya jelek yah :ngakaks kebanyakan yg translate bahasa inggrisnya pas²an, :berbusa: idiom diterjemahkan secara harfiah :capedes tapi sekarang gw liat sudah banyak yg betul nerjemahin idiom :thumbup: ada juga yg terjemahin kalimat panjang bener, ngga bisa nyingkat :capedes dll... ...
Posisi Akhir Quiz Periode XXXV (01/04/12 - 30/04/12) celentee = 83 + 2 = 85 maximcool = 61 + 6 = 67 marcos20 =34 + 10 = 44 movingcastle = 34 + 2 = 36 ridonculous = 26 Daelin = 17 ridholf = 17 mufa1428 = 12 + 11 = 23 roodhaar = 11 + 1 = 12 sLa = 11 lightyear = 11 ashboy = 11 slatskyline = 10 numb...
Posisi Sementara celentee = 83 (+15 Soal Hangus) maximcool = 61 (+2 Fanboys, +2 Match Point, +6 Soal Hangus) marcos20 =34 (+27 Soal Hangus) movingcastle = 34 (+1 Jack and the Beanstalk, +1 Mulholland Dr., +1 Pay It Forward, +1 Trouble Every Day, +1 Women in Trouble, +1 The White Massai, +1 Spun)...