Only japanese speaking or mix with English too? :matabelo: Your bf must be Japanese then :D Xixixi Come check out this two ongoing event ↓ (Community Online Competition) Event "My Games My Story"
Did you speak Japanese everyday there? There's no Indonesian people around your workplace? Starting this year, Kaskus held competition in every forum. For this month here In EF, Games and Books forum. If you have spare time, would you participating in an event at other forum too? :wowcantik yeah,
Well my iso for the second ID was last month.. I did around 2 weeks too :ngakak So, what's bring you here? I mean.. your last post was January last year and now you are here participating in our event.. it's an honour that you are here tho :matabelo: Do you see any different in Kaskus now compared
After all it will come to an end. Yes, that's all this is about in the interest of getting those rewards. They are just being realistic and nothing else. Besides, people up there would like to trigger traffics which have been relatively low these days. It's their policy and this is the consequenc...
Wah.. you're de real sesepuh :amazed: :matabelo: So, around these years (2014 till now) must be your busy day huh, onee-san? Albeit I created my ID on 2015, I've never use it up until end of August last year. Got my precious ISO in 3 months :nohope: and from November last year till now I've added...
pardon me my fellow english forum residents :D I have a question for all of you here :o can(I prefer to use "should" or "is it okay to.." in this case) i put /add "more" (punctuation is important in this case, to clarify which one is which) on in front of or before ...
Woahh.. really? :rolleyes I start ngaskus only around end of August 2017 yeah :hammer: I started actively ngaskus since around end of Dec 2008 until around 2011 then :malu: then kept ngaskus til 2014 but not as active as those 3 years :hammer: actually I reached 10k post in mid 2009 then the add
Hahaha we are doing fast posting there :o For lounge part 2, we need around 4 days to make it collapsed :lehuga I knew sesepuh will be shocked to see our lounge now :o yeah just imagine my last post was January 2017 and it wasn't even in EF :kagets: