wah, semakin banyak aj yang pingin jd artis dadakan ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
gan,,, ntuh profile dpt dari mana? asliny mah bukan dari manado,lagian tingginy jg tidak sampe sgitu ckckck ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
emang keren bgt gan ciptaan tuhan yg maha kuasa :D ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
Wow keren abis gan,ane baru lihat malahan. ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
aet dah sayang banget gan.. mending dijual trus.. disumbangin ke orang yang tidak mampu.. ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
pantesan dulu mom gw marah-marah kalo gw nggak sarapan. ternyata ada rahasia dibaliknya ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
jebmen nih!!!!!!!!!!!! aku udah prnh kena versi sebelumnye dr si alrena ntuh!!!!!!!!!!!! :o ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
wah gan, kalo ente bisa bikin speed gue kyk gitu sekarang jg gue langsung langganan speedy :D ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
sebagai warga :o aku ikut bangga gan..hehe ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
kapan ya juragan indonesia bisa makmur kayak guti :o ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
banyak nama juga yah? di tempatku jengglukan gan.. ;) ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
terpelihara sekali kak terutama hotel yang di vancouver ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
itu yang pake bahasa indonesia apa bahasa inggris gan ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
hehehe.... mknya ane udah tidak percaya lagi ama yang katanya reality show.... semua di-setting juragan alias direkayasa. ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
ya iyalah bos , lebih mahal dari BB tuh Pulpen .. ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
wah modelnya jadul kayak nintendo ya hehehehe ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
keknya saya sudah lama ngeliat postingan ini gan ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~
wah nyesek banget ntuh gan... hackernya jahat banget :o ~real power does not hit hard , but straight to the point~