Where is she? :( What are those changes? :rolleyes Been away from Kaskus for ages. I see some changes in the GUI. Feels strange. And so many new IDs participating in the Lounge. Glad to see that it still goes very well
Slmt pagi om2 tante2 senior. Mohon izin gabung saya posisi di depok Ada yg ingin sy tanyakan nih Er6n saya th 2012 pemakaian 2013 beli second. Nah sy gas di rpm 7rb tuh mbrebet parah. Sdh coba bersihkan fuel pump n kuras tangki tp keluhan msh ada. Kira2 knp lg yah? Dan rekomendasi bengkel yg bs
suhu2 dsni, mau nanya mengenai tenses dll krena mau tes toefl, klo salah kamar mohon maaf dulu ya, ada beberapa pertanyaan nih 1. klo sebuah kalimat tidak ada keterangan waktunya berarti dia pasti simple present kah? 2. dalam sebuah kalimat min ada brp verb dan max brp ya? 1 kalimat yg ane maksud s
Hello want to ask something about this sentence This town famous for its cheese I want to ask about " its ". What does its mean ? I know the meaning of this sentence is " this town known as city of cheese". Thnk you First of all, the sentence is supposed t
Been away from Kaskus for quite a while. So many changes have taken place apparently. UI-wise, even Kaskus looks different. Why do they keep changing the UI? Users have to keep adapting to the new one consequently. Thats a bit of a nuisance I think.
pengen sih beli, tapi kalo suhu nya sampe 15 derajat gitu yg ada merem Ane dimotor ... :ngakak masuk angin kali yg ada 😁😁
Belajar TOEFL Online Free - Belajarlah bahasa Inggris dengan mengasyikkan dengan buku audio Di tingkat mana pun kemampuan English anda saat ini.. dan apa pun bidang English yang ingin anda perbaiki.. (fasih conversation, atau pendalaman grammar, atau bahkan menghadapi tes serius seperti TOEFL)......
expand_more Bahasa Inggris Bahasa Indonesia searchcancel Terjemahanarrow_forward TERJEMAHAN BAHASA INGGRIS-BAHASA INDONESIA UNTUK "I SEE" EN "I see" bahasa Indonesia terjemahan Contoh penggunaan untuk "I see". Terjemahan serupaContoh TERJEMAHAN SERUPATerjemahan
straight what? I'm not gay. I'm straight. Straight is slang for heterosexual. ....you said "good morning GAYS" You see the relationship?
Kalo menurut temen gw sih ni beneran, katanya di deket sukajadi gituh Itu lokasinya di underpass tol pasteur di jl. Gunung Batu Gan. Ane tinggal gk jauh dari situ. Ane blm pernah liat. Ato ane blm beruntung kali yak? Hahahaha
excuse me sir :o i need a help :( i need to find 5 words that can be used as (each words can be used in these 4 function) noun verb adjective adverb is there any place to find such a words? maybe some kind of special dictionary ? thank you :o The F word may serve as all those parts of speec