hi dude... where have you been...??? it's been a decade since our last chat in here... how are you...??? So you're moderator now .... congrats. I'm good, playing straight life now. Hope that you are well too. I log on because someone told me that Lucu passed away. See ya
its been a long time since I posted here. not staying for long at this moment, just want to say hi. :)
no sara, for those who are moslem must see this! especially if you're still have parents :D QA1gJ35WJhw have a nice weekend :D
morning BECKers... :o/ have a grteat day... :beer: you too, senpai :o where were you yesterday ? :o yeah I'm hoping for the best day too. :D kinda busy now, but still trying to make a post here. had a job to do mate? wkwkw.,.,.,., you should push him to give some clarification.,.,.,.,:ngaka...
wkwkwk,..,., what do you mean by bird with apostrophe there.,.,.,:amazed: :ngakaks Well, I Don't know either bro ..... :ngakak Let's wait clarification from him :D
Sebelumnya Salam Kenal dulu Master, ane ga punya bini, klo punya jg ngapain ane nekat beginian. mumpung masih muda bandel dikit gpp kan Master... :toast kalau gitu duitnya buat cari bini aja klo gitu, klo lendirnya gak tau dah buang dimana :o
wkwkw,..,., maybe ts is in silent reader mode,.,:o I think, he was busy, busy taking care his "bird" i think :ngakak Morning BECK! fabulous morning here! let's hit the road :beer: Morning bro, please take care :D
woww.,.,., thx u brader,..,., it's really kind of you.,.,.,:coffee: ========== time to have a glass of hot tea and cup of hot coffee,...,.,,:coffee: awesome.,.,.,:o don't mention it :malu: it's only one point. Good morning beckers :coffee: where's the TS :mad:
woww.,.,., good morning too there.,.,., thx for greeting this nubiee.,.,.,.,:o btwe.,., mind sharing some green*es mate??.,.,.,:malu: why not, please enjoy mate :D but only one green, hope it's okay.
ane rada bingung mo dibuang kmn nih duit n lendir ane.. hehehehehe:cool Mending ente buang tuh duit sama lendir ke bini ente .... :D itu saran ane gan :o
cleaning up?? ah i should call you later to clean up my room :ngakaks nothing special :norose: please call me if you want to clean up your body :D wkwkw.,.,., dont really try it.,,., it's not recommended at all.,.,.,.,:o Good morning mate :coffee:
hi uncleee :D how was ur weekend :D not so good, stayed at home, cleaning up :D so, how about yours? Hmmm... better for us to not moan each other... :shakehand: :shakehand agree
and you must be at home right now, eh? :D hehehe... you bet buddy... And now I'm at the office again :D happy weekend guys :coffee: