gila kalo aku udah jadi gransen... yg lain jadi fosil kaliii\n\ndan karena saya dari SMU: "that concludes my participation points for today" (ga bakal bisa ISO sampai pensiun nih)\n\ni\n\nLho.. emang loe gransen what. :D\nYg diatas loe jadi my grand grand sen...
Hey guys please comment on my e-mail. So I got this e-mail which wrote:\n\nDear jcool,\n\nThank you for your email. Regarding the subject above, we would like to invite you for an interview on Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at blablabla....\n\nPlease send your confirmation by r...
GEEZZZZZZZZZ.\n\nknapa harus ada nama si jelek itu dikaet2in ama gw terus EVEN disini haaahhhhhh???? :berbusa::berbusa: \n\nblom tau dapet blok A ato B... dan gatau jg dapet exempt acad writing apa ga.... liatnya dimana sih klo exempt2an ini... yg gw tau class schedule masi kosong...
^\n\nbaby face??\nmau tebak dong..\n.\n.\n.\nDJ\n\n\nklo bener bilang bener klo salah bilang salah.\n:D:D\n\nwell it took you long enough to realize.. *pdhl uda drop hints dimana2 :p*\ndan berarti loe mengakui donk klo gw emang baby-faced. :D
EH. enak aje si tante. \n\ntan kan situ yg seniornya disini bukan saya.... @Adicumi yg bener tanya TANTE Hypertech.... :maho:maho:maho:maho\n\n\nEH! Sembarangan panggil gw tante. :mad: :kagets:\nBaby-face begini. :D
inilah tugas anda sebagai current student untuk NETWORKING..\ntarikin anak2 suru pada masuk kaskus.. classpart uy classpart..\n\n*ada gitu ya anak SMU kurang kerjaan kyk kita yg mau nongkrong di kaskus?\n:hammer:\n\n\n........
kalo gitu kapan nih sushi bareng :genit:\n\ntanya missyellow donk, cum.. hehe.. :D *semuanya jadi missyellow yg urus :p*\n\ntapi kan situ yang jaga toko..... :o:o musti dimasukin juga dong..... :o:o\n\n\n@semuanya : emang agak lebay sih gw akui, harap dimaklumi soalnya...
gw bukan anak SMU tapi nama gw dimasukin kesono :nohope:\n\nloe dijadiin honorary member ama si missyellow, cum. :o
iya nie kyknya klo term dah mulai, thread ini bakal sepi. *krik.. krik.. krik..*\n\n\n*class part +1*
ahemm,, w pengen masuk SMU,, berarti prospective student khan ?? :D\nberati boleh ikut dunz,,\nohya w mau tanya nih,,, klau mau masuk SMU tuh prosedurnya apa,, utk anak Indo lulusan JC spore ?? \nn ada scholarship atw financial aid g dsna ?? mengcover apa aja ??\nhaizzzz sorry kal...
di fesesnya atau muntahanya keluar cacing ga? kalo ada berarti cacingan, kalo ga ada mending diperiksain aja fesesnya ke lab skalian untuk tau ada telor cacingnya pa ga?kalo emang positif baru dikasih obat cacing, terakhir ngasih obat cacing kapan?biasanya untuk mengontrol cacing pemberianya dila...
pak dokter mo nanya donk..\n\nanjing gw golden retriever betina, berat 25kg. selama 3 bulan terakhir dia uda muntah 3 kali. pernah muntah air sekali. trus muntahin apel dengan cairan putih. terakhir kali dia muntahin dinnernya keesokan pagi dan tampaknya blon dicerna sama sekali, trus ada...
Hey, I've try to improve my writing and hope this essay would result better than before. I cheat for this essay, neglecting the time constrain of 45 min and exceed it by 10 min.\n\nPlease revise it harshly friends, :D\n\nLearning at all levels can be seriously compromised w...
\n@Hypertech\n\nMy instructor also told me to give more specific examples when she returned this assignment. And it was an in-class essay. I only had an hour to finish it. lol\nAnyway, thanks for the critics. Well said.\n\nThis was an assignment for class ENGLISH 50. it�...
Yes, it is indeed for academic purpose. It was for ENG 50. I passed the class already though. lol\n\nAnd it wasn't meant to be persuasive. I did not have to convince the reader to side with the same stand.\n\nthere were two options. Whether you oppose or in favor of same-sex ...
I wrote this couple weeks ago. It was about same-sex marriage. Please, revise, criticize or make any corrections. Thanks beforehand.\n\nSeveral decades ago, in the midst of the Cold War, Americans were plunging into cultural revolution in which the issues of sex were becoming more casual ...