Nothing - the Script What do you feel toward your ex? I Dont Want To Talk About It - Rod Stewart :malus When did you break up with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
ada yang tahu untuk font inih? kebetulan ane juga penasaran, trs nyari2 di google, ketemunya ini gan (copas nih), waktu ada yg tanya ttg font Leica, terus orgnya kirim email langsung Leica, jawaban Leica ky gini: Originally Posted
porn star- T.I :hammer: what's your plan for tomorrow morning? Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' - Michael Jackson What is the thing that will make you cry?
Para Para Pere Pere - Michel Telo what is your favorit word today? "I Feel Good!" - James Brown Who is your best friend in your entire life?
Let me try :) Hang out = relax with friends Move out = going out (from house, building, etc) So, hang out ga harus move out, kayaknya arti harfiahnya sih, relax sama temen-temen bisa dilakukan di dalam rumah aja, ga perlu keluar jauh-jauh kayak ke cafe atau restoran atau clubbing dll
great! IELTS first-timer without studying, i got 6.5. the overseas agent said to me my score is enough to pass the requirement to enter the college that i want to go in europe. im really happy.... or more precisely i was happy. two month later.... the agent called me and said that she registered ...
Bisa bantuin langkah-langkahnya ga gan ? maaf banget kalau ngerepotkan, tp saya bener-bener ga ngerti caranya :sorry 1. Buka dulu foto yg mau di-edit 2. Di samping kiri ada panel, klik tombol Healing Brush (urutan no.7 dr atas), kalo mau milih macem2 brush-nya, klik mouse agak lama di tombol tsb, n
1. pake Healing Brush bisa 2. Kalo banyak jerawatnya ya di-select dulu, terus pake edit-fill - content aware
keren gan buku-bukunya, udah ane sedot semua... Makasih ya... seandainya udah ISO ane kasih cendol, kalo skr, makasih aja dulu.. moga jadi amalan yang baik buat agan.. aamiin
permisi agan-agan, mo tanya ini font apa ya namanya? Ada yang punya? Terima kasih sebelumnya. Maaf blm ISO image dari flickr
Masih dibuka nih penawarannya gan.? Mau dong pict style-nya, kirim ke Makasih gan..:malus