KDE, XFCE, OpenBox.. nambahin gan LXDE ringan.. mirip kayak xp sih comanndnya di terminal, ketik : sudo apt-get install lxde Oke makasih agan, nanti deh ane cobain satu-satu yang mana yang seger dimata .. kalo agan pada pake Desktop Environment apaan ?
salam kenal gan, ane nubie linux pingin numpang nanya gan... kan di linux ada yang namanya Desktop Environment tuh, sekarang kan ane pake Gnome3, tapi ternyata baca-baca masa depan nya rada suram gan. :matabelo ada usul gak buat Desktop Environment selain Gnome3 yang simple, seger dan enak diliha...
Afternoon folks! :hammer: Three digital pads ----> three + one metacarpal -----> four + you! -------------------> five Therefore, we called it a "high-five", because it consists of not only an emoticon, but also you! \:D/ now i understand why you call it "high-five&qu...
So do I :takuts But cute at the same time, isn't she? :malus yeah :D , but still freaking me out :takuts hi, good eve may i join, ah i thought i will be sooner, the first or second week on april but for the vacational hi school, it has just held in this morning the subject is what they ma...
It's a part of his job anyway. And he isn't alone, no. A leader is never alone, because he's the aspiration of his people, he who leads the way is the leader. When he wouldn't be able to do so, then he won't be a leader anymore :think: yeah.... i see the point. so when ...
Stop hoping and make yourself enjoy the forum \:D/ That's the key to keep learning and survive in the internet :linux2: hahaha okay then ! :D i'll do my best :thumbup Killing 'em is the only solution I guess :linux2: Let's get yer' colt, homie :army: just don'...
waduh... duit semua yaa itu gan, banyak banget :matabelo tapi emang bagus-bagus sih gan film nya pantes ajaa buat dapet untung segitu :malus
Hi Dumb-alien, welcome to EFor :Paws: <-- our very own high five Ofc, everybody may and can join this lounge, as long as they stick to those rules in page one \:D/ Don't hesitate to ask any questions nor to bring up any topics you'd like to discuss :think: Have a nice stay dawg ...
Hi all :selamat i wanted to join to this lounge of english forum, i think i can practice my english and also chat with the member who already join the english forum lounge and share some experience. is it okay ? i hope it's okay. :shakehand2 delete this if it's against the FAQ and the r...
keren yaa gan.. dari bond kita bisa belajar ssuatu :thumbup http://img.kaskus.co.id/images/kaskusmobile_hp.gif
hwew. Keren kykny gan klo ane ksna tempatny bagus lg :thumbup http://img.kaskus.co.id/images/kaskusmobile_hp.gif
thanks for the tips gan.. ntar ane cobain dikamar ane dulu gan baru ntar keseluruh rumah ane :2thumbup Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™
oke deh gan.. ntar ane coba jalanin saran nya agan jadi anak ane ntar ampuh dari penyakit ::wowcantik Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™
wah.. nice thread gan.. mudahan terkumpul duit liburan ane atas saran agan :malus Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™
ane juga mau kalo gitu gan liburan kesane... doain aje yaa gan tahun ini bisa :iloveindonesias Kunjungi thread ane disini gan: Skrillex —Dumbalien ™