:ngakak i'm just kidding brota he's my lecturer anyway :D you can listen music with use earphone :kr more precisely as a secret admirer :ngakak :malus lecturer :kagets: it was reversed :p which one of you telling the truth? :bingung
what the heck!! horace pinker over 50? :matabelo: absolutely pin!! i'm always being your shadow anyway :genits wow..stalker...wow.....or secret admirer maybe....:matabelo maybe.. :o cause he had called with name 'grand pa' :D so sweet uncle :malu: just look at his avatar..:shutup:
what about the pics :D maybe you have brand new toys :ngakaks good afternoon grandpa? why you not show up at the usual river today? _________________________________ will you attending the indonesian inernational motor show?
hello agan engineering :D hello ms.marketing....:kisss fine gan :D do you still in here :bingung: my heart is always here...:peluk
helo sir hello madam...:kiss funny :D thats is name junker or spammer :ngakak she is a junker.:shutup: Happy Idul Fitri too if i have wrong with you :D i forgive all your mistakes if you forgive mine too...:sorry hello sir, how was your day? :kiss very...very tiresome...:sorry lupa mau bilang...
iyo,,, mengko sore ojo lali yo,,, Halal Bi Halal Kaskus Regional Jepara Kaskus Regional Jepara Kaskuser Regional Jepara follow : @KaskusJepara sugeng sonten...thread reg jepara kok ga ada yah? :bingung
Lights will guide you home And ignite your bones And I will try to fix you :moon: even its a bit late..let me say happy iedul fitri to all english roomers here.....:maafaganwati:maafagan
well be waiting for you in this town :matabelo thank you ...:matabelo hello my friends :toast hello grandpa....:kiss
date 16 in the night start from hammer city :o take a rest for a while in surabaya, then date 17 in the morning start from surabaya :o long long way to home gan.....:matabelo