wakakak mobil2lan sekalinya kratif TS ni :ngakaks bikin ngakak aja :ngakaks ckckckck This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/151/2254487659/app_2_2254487659_1473.g...
wihh mantap dah walikota juga manusia gan :D KASKUSer juga :D This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/151/2254487659/app_2_2254487659_1473.gif beberapa jam yang la...
wakakakak kasian banget gan mukanya sampe kebentur gituu :ngakaks :ngakaks :ngakaks This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/151/2254487659/app_2_2254487659_1473.gi...
wahh bisa di coba ni gan :D soalnya ane mau tahap kurus jadi :malu: ane :D This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/151/2254487659/app_2_2254487659_1473.gif beberap...
gan ane mesen satu gan :D http://foto.pk/images/heyoujcj.gif http://igambar.com/p/txhm0 http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb417/robby240/3.jpg http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb417/robby240/1-2.jpg http://i1030.photobucket.com/albums/y367/allantanaka/th_1-15.gif http://signatures.mylivesig...
wakkaak jaketnya mirip kaya pegawainya ckckck :ngakaks kasian2 This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/151/2254487659/app_2_2254487659_1473.gif beberapa jam yang l...
wkakakka konyol semua tu orang gan :ngakaks yg paling lucu yg flash gan :ngakaks asli bdannya di bikin gambar kotak2 ckckckck:ngakaks This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-s...
wakkaak aritnya ane tau gan :ngakaks emmm **SENSOR** :shutup: wkakak :ngakaks kasian si agan sabar2 gan :D This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/151/2254487659/a...
wakakak gila tu badak gan :ngakaks pake G string :ngakaks ckckcck dak ada yg lebih besar tu gan :hammer http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied b...
wahh sip gan ane dah ada ni :D http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/151/225...
wahh ni ID teman ane gan ?? siapa ya make ?? :bingung kok namanya azhar kan reva :bingung ane http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal ...
behh memang gan kalo orng ASING dak pernah nyoba makanan INDONESIA tu kaya sayur dak di kasih garam gan :D http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copie...
wakakak dak selesai2 tu sampai bumi hancur gan :ngakaks 23 ribu tahun gilaa lama betul gan :ngakaks wakaka http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copie...
18 gan :D ane itung juga yg udah pada mencrot tu darah kemana2 :D http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcd...
WOW !!! antik banget gan :matabelo: di jaga tu duit gan bisa mahal harganya kalo di jual :matabelo: http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by il...
bang haji :matabelo keren semua sotosopnya gan :matabelo wiwww :matabelo http://www.indowebster.web.id/images/smilies/th_113_.gif SUNGGUUHHH TERLAAALLUUUU !!!! http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_tTmnUIL17p4/TS1qqoGu6fI/AAAAAAAAAUo/X-64dlm_v1E/s1600/Hahaa.gif http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211...
wakakak bocah2 4l4y gan :ngakaks teman TS ni :D http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to protect the original post from being copied by illegal Bot. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sn...
ohhh itu tetangga ane gan :D sebelah rumah ane lagi :D rumahnya tu yg ada pintunya gan :hammer: coba cari pasti nnti dapat baru minta foto :hammer: http://signatures.mylivesignature.com/54489/211/5FF20AA178DFF91668B53B7B9444A3EB.png This comment was posted by ashley.us This signature is used to p...
akakak kasian banget tu nurdin kena bata :ngakaks :ngakaks tapi dak benjol2 ya tu kepala :bingung, kuat kali ya :ngakak :Paws: This comment was posted by ashley.us :Paws: :rainbow:All rights reserved : Copyright 2011:rainbow: :army:---ANTI-BOT---:army: :ngacir: NGACIR LAGI
BANG 5000 masuk ye :D wakakak :D sampe jadi tren juga ya :D pro banget dah :D :Paws: This comment was posted by ashley.us :Paws: :rainbow:All rights reserved : Copyright 2011:rainbow: :army:---ANTI-BOT---:army: :ngacir: NGACIR LAGI