kemaren kemaren bisa pake kaskus beta, tapi sekarang mau buka kembali ke old lagi... apa emang ada batas expired nya gitu ? dan kudu ada yang invite lagi kalo udah abis masanya ?
what about ''KKM (Kuliah Kerja Mahasiswa)''. how do we say it in English ? Thanks in advance.. brief sentence, 'Kami akan melakukan program KKM di sebuah desa terpencil'..
I learn English via books, newspaper, TV and songs. I think vocab is crucial, grammar is useless when you don't have enough words in your "savings". I do agree with you, let's enrich our vocabulary ! vocab manages us to get through a proper conversation :D
I'm confused about the word 'stepping up' in this sentence. terjemahin ya tolong :kiss are we stepping up to the challenge?
sekarang lagi deket sama mantan yang udah lost contact selama 4 tahun:capedes alamat bakal CLBK :malus