yupp... ure right.. im waiting for this lounge.. :o so lately for coming to this new lounge.. :hammers morning mod.. :hammers still raining here.. so lazy to go anywhere, just wanna lay down on my bed.. :D the last holidays, before the children back to school... helehhh.. just stay safe and
:D ... GET sleep well sist :p :nohope: hi daeng! hahahahahh sure :lehuga i think Rooney will be perfect for the job :sudahkuduga arsenal slang name is arsendal, just like MU to munyuk, inter to iler but he always call me inzaghi, born to be offside :nohope hy too gon.. do you miss me ca
IDk where's Ms. Nana currently... :genit > hope Ms. Nana would get more beautiful after some treatment :goyang be strong, good sir! :shakehand2 :beer: thank u sir... and thank u for my little one too :o
What is the most disappointing moment for you this year? still being fans of milan calcio oh hello, you keep asking question and then you go away ckckckckk he was busy
Any idea for the upcoming English Forum Lounge title thread? Will be made by January 1st later. :wowcantik English Forum Lounge: one thing at a time :)
why the sudden "bapering" ? :mewek that not bapering.. just idiom :D i dont say you did say that with intention to imitating mine... more like... nevermind :goyang nay... i dont have office/work hours... :ngakaks oh my :mewek can i give you friend hugs nope... u don't :)
ahh, so what you do when no rain then? you make fake rain or something like that? i do nothing.. just fake rain like my tears wet the cheeks because the rain did not fall for a long time what a precise question, he should be thingking hard to answer it :matabelo: :ngakak when heart tamer guy h
Kaskus ID: rosemary911 Poem Link: here SS of Following IG: https://s.kaskus.id/images/2019/12/22/9797352_201912220819040971.png thank you dek :heart: :flower:
what happen when no rain, daeng? iyaa beb, even bang octan understand what warry's means :lehuga morning beb :kisss are you awake? :goyang when no rain, i can't work well :nohope:
i never got angry ;) glad to hear you remembering if every woman are beautiful and glowing :)b ah okay... my bad :shakehand my memory got messed like so... ok.. just stop call me sist anymore no need, sir > no need :D but you're special, at least to me :D > I won't force you to believe,
first: nice try :ngakaks second: oh, yeah, how could I forget :hammers first: he try to be nice :ngakaks second: should i take my previous quote for reminds u? :think: what? i thought that you are sista too :malu: as i recall you did addressed yourself as sista to me at first, um... when is it?
how do you know if the mod is handsome or not, sist? :wow morning good sir! :travel same to you sist :shakehand2 first.. mod are absolutely really hensem :peluk second.. i'm not sista :o