mau nanya donk, kali aja ada yg tau gw dulu pernah install the sims 3 base di lepi lama dell aspiron dan gak ada kendala. sekarang gw install lagi di lepi yg baru kok katanya graphic cardnya gak support, padahal Radeon 7550. bukan cuman sampe disitu, gamenya sering banget nge-lag, nge-save sama n...
you have to move on :ngakak wsid if i die right now? no u're not :o wsid if my ex want to try another relationship with me ? and the stories continued ... :hammer:
How are you guys, we dont want this thread die dont we? so lets keep it up man !! Its very interesting topic, you said in indonesian or gossip in betawi style, translate it into english very cool isnt it. Buset dah hari ini gue capek banget dimana-mana macet padahal kalo gak macet perjalanan bis
blame someone i just, told someone to blame someone, wsid? wait n see for his/her revenge :hammer: I've got connected with my ex via internet, wsid ?
inside my heart :najis how to walking in the air? u have to walk inside my life first :o which part of your ex that makes u feel happy
I Don't Remember - Endah n Rhesa I'm starving. Any food suggestion? All You Can Eat = The Fat Boys Any suggestion for birthday party's concept ?
just dreaming i'm not ISO yet, wsid? keep posting :o I got stucked and had no clues when I played my favorite games, wsid ?