Semangat kaka :kisss Masalah kaka itu jauh , jauh lebih ringan daripada orang lain di luar sana Jadi, stay positive and be happy :kucing: .blackcat. was here :Paws:
Tetap semangat kaka :kisss cowok kaka juga sedang berusaha dengan keras disana untuk memantaskan diri :kucing: .blackcat. was here :Paws:
Another gamon (gagal move on) story .. Semangka! Semangat ya kaka Coba puas2in dulu sedihnya, setelah itu bangkit :kucing: .blackcat. was here :Paws:
Mending niatnya dilurusin dulu kak. Trus siapin master plan berdua bareng istri :kucing: .blackcat. was here :Paws:
Iya gan ane jg dpt dan ketauan bgt kalo penipuan :mad: Jadiin HT min biar banyak yg baca
My pleasure. I guess torrent has become the sole answer for every questions nowadays. Anw, enjoy the learning process and good luck, mate. :D Yeah . Its true Okay thank you I will prepare for my ielts test Good luck for you too
There is this application which is called bittorrent or any other torrent-downloaders that are basically working in the same way. Get the torrent by typing the title of ur desired books (IELTS, kaplan, longman, etc) via kickass, piratebay, or any other sites then it will be automatically download
I would recommend you to go against any software or book/ebook piracy. Please purchase the copyrighted materials. Education worth your money. It is not worthless. If you have no money though, google is always available to find you everything you need. The right keyword, that's all you need. :sh
hi guys, i need toefl software like kaplan, baron, longman and etc is there any of you have this apps? i need it so much pm me :kucing: .blackcat. was here :Paws:
gpp kok kak ga pernah pacaran nanti langsung nikah aja tapi inget ya, cari cowok yg bisa jadi imam :kucing: .blackcat. was here :Paws:
wah seru sekali kaka. manusia itu sebaik-baiknya ciptaan Tuhan ya ka :kucing: .blackcat. was here :Paws: