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[img]https://miro.S E N S O Rmax/1400/1*Mv5VUxAQwd7_JCGEwQpWnQ.jpeg[/img]
With has the expertise to cook alone is still not enough to guarantee the success of someone in order to become a culinary entrepreneur. Those of you who have the ability to cook to the master level even though those who are able to cook various types of delicious food are also not ready to get any results if there are no consumers who will come to enjoy your homemade cuisine, right?
Aside from gastronomy, there are still so many other factors that you also have to learn before finally deciding to jump directly to become a culinary entrepreneur.
Well, for those of you who plan to start a culinary business, here are some surefire strategies that you must learn about how to market your own [url=S E N S O R/12lYL][color=inherit][u]homemade food products[/u][/color][/url] to the wider community.
must maintain the quality of taste.
Speaking of [url=S E N S O R/12lYL][color=inherit][u]the food business[/u][/color][/url], the most important thing that becomes the main promotional tool of the culinary business is about the guarantee of the quality of taste that has been offered. Consistency of taste is the key to your success in running a food business. Do not carelessly change the seasonings or ingredients needed in the process of making food. Just a little consumer feels disappointed with the taste of your cooking, then they will not feel reluctant anymore to complain to social media and you must already know what that means, right? Things spread so quickly from social media like lightning striking.
create events to lure crowds to get to know your cooking products.
Occasionally hold events such as current trend events that can invite curiosity from consumers. Examples are such as holding [url=S E N S O R/12lZJ][color=inherit][u]cheap bazaar events[/u][/color][/url], garage sales, band festivals, dance competitions, photo competitions, and many others so on that can attract many consumers to immediately go to your culinary business place.
[img]https://miro.S E N S O Rmax/984/1*M22bx2c2F0PyneGwYWhXDw.jpeg[/img]

[url=S E N S O R/12lZJ][color=inherit][u][url]S E N S O R/12lZJ[/url][/u][/url][/color]

• printing and distributing flyers/advertisements.
By distributing brochures, it can be from areas such as: red lights, schools, campuses, or other crowded places that will also be able to invite curiosity from prospective consumers to your restaurant. Make an advertising flyer with pictures that slightly provoke the curiosity of consumers and interesting and equipped with a contact person where your restaurant business. If there is an event such as a promo event, also convey it in the brochure, so that more and more people will feel interested in the event.
• stick stickers on strategic places that are usually seen by many people.
Make stickers with the food company logo and contact person of your business, then paste them on places that are easily affordable and widely seen by people. For example, on the motorcycle helmet, on the rear glass of the car, and many others. The more often seen by many people, the more people who already know the existence of your culinary business.
 make a map of where your culinary sales location is located.
Sometimes for a less strategic location is also one of the main obstacles for those who have a culinary business. To overcome this, you can also include a location map on the packaging of your business food products. In addition, you can also register your business location on Google Maps, in such a way your prospective customers will be able to track and search where your culinary business location is using the Google application.
 join the business community, especially the culinary business community.
By joining the association or community of business people, especially the community of culinary business people can be one way to promote your business to the community. In addition, you can also exchange information with other community members and will not rule out the possibility of being able to find opportunities from new businesses.
• You should actively promote promoting your culinary business on social media.
In the digital era like today, social media can be the best promotional event that is quite profitable. Even because it is too effective, many online sellers can make buying and selling transactions only from social media accounts. So, you will be able to use social media to introduce your culinary business to the wider community.
• introduce to the relevant agencies.
By getting closer to related agencies or agencies relevant to your business can also be the best promotional event that is quite effective. For example, like coming directly to the Cooperative Office and MSMEs to be able to participate in exhibitions or to the health office to get PIRT permits for products that you have marketed so far.
• working with[url=S E N S O R/-12m0y][color=inherit][u][b][font=Charter, Georgia, Cambria, "Times New Roman", Times, serif][b] the tour & travel business[/b][/font][/b][/u][/color][/url].
Marketing strategies like this, for now have begun to be done by many restaurant owners, you can also start trying it by working with travel agents to cooperate in providing snacks and food for travel agent services that bring one or several groups and pass through your restaurant. Generally, travel agents who bring groups will get a certain fee from the owner of the restaurant.
• create discount programs periodically.
To be able to pamper your consumers, then you can also hold a discount program periodically. For example, to commemorate the birthday of one of the consumers, you can give a voucher of Rp.50,000 for consumers who are willing to come to your restaurant on their birthday with 5 friends.

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