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Best Approaches for Filters UI Design
We live in a fast-paced digital world where everything is expected to be swift and available. However, everything may also be available in abundance and lost in the clutter. So what do we do in this scenario? We resort to using filters and sorting. Every major ecommerce app has some filtering and sorting function that offers a quick view and reduces the number of items to a manageable amount depending on users' interests and needs. This is exactly what filters help us achieve.

Filters help users find what they are looking for quickly and thus increase the likelihood of users making purchases. Therefore every UI design agency must commit to developing a good filtering and sorting system to allow users to view what they need to find without getting lost in the clutter. Let us give you a fair warning: the users may never come back because of this bad user experience!

This article will demonstrate the best approaches for filter UI design and highlight a few ways that are considered best practices in developing filters. Creating a good filter will ultimately lead to customer satisfaction and improve your overall brand loyalty and conversion rates.

Filter UI Design: Why Does it Matter?
Why should you use filters, and why does filter UI design matter? Everyday people visit ecommerce apps and leave them without buying anything. Now, this may be common, but one of the most important reasons this happens is because they cannot find what they are looking for. This needs to stop. We need to increase the conversion rates, and adding filters will help us reach a wider audience and increase sales.

Filters fix many issues and can produce powerful results. It reduces the number of options to get exactly what they want right away by removing everything that is not to the point. These filters also benefit Search Engine Optimization or SEO. Google will make your website more visible if it gets traction, and users can quickly navigate your website.

Furthermore, filtering is not for all websites. You may eagerly skip this step altogether if your website or app doesn't have much content or if your content is difficult to categorize. In this case, you may opt-out of filtering and maybe consider structuring your website with an easy layout. However, it is rare to find apps that don't require filtering these days.

Best Practices for Filtering UI Design

Like we mentioned earlier, it is important to know what, when and how filters can be added to a project. Remember that adding filters is one of the main jobs of a UI designer. It is about meaningful choices and excluding information, not adding more information. Let's take a look at some of the best practices associated with designing filters:

Choose and Display the Right Filters: Always choose the right filters which are relevant to your content. It would be best to make your filters follow common design patterns, are organized according to user needs, vary in scope, etc.
Eliminate Null Results: The display of null results is frustrating, and the users get disappointed over zero results. Therefore, hiding those options with no results should be considered each time a user makes such a selection. Never say "never found" for any selections, ever.
Place filters effectively: When your place filters, make sure users can find them easily. Also, ensure that the space is not confined; hiding options behind a filter bar that shows an overlay when pressed is a good idea too. Therefore, display both the selections and results; however, avoid small scrollable panes.
Support for multiple inputs: Most websites and apps these days use multiple filters, so your UI mustn't freeze or slow down the customer. So while you display up-to-date results, make sure adding multiple filters doesn't create clutter at the end of the selection. Matching results may be updated simultaneously while the filter is still being used.
Interactive over batch: There are two types of filters: Batch filters and interactive filters. The difference between both is that batch filters only provide results after user selection, and interactive filters simultaneously offer results to all your choices. Interactive filters are more popular than batch ones, and rightfully so. We want more action and fewer clicks.

Filters may seem insignificant while designing your website or app, but in reality, it enhances the user experience in multiple ways. Filters UI design is one of the crucial design priorities of any good UI designer. Undoubtedly, well-designed filtering is a trademark of successful websites and apps.

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