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Imajinasi Tahun 1910
We are always wondering and imagining how the future will look like. It is something that interest us and it always will. Many movies have tried to represent their thoughts of how everything will be in 50 years or so. But do you ever wonder what people 100 years ago thought year 2000 would look like? Now you get the chance to know it.
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Here we represent you a selection of images from 1910 of how they imagined that year 2000 would look like. As you can see it is funny how they focused on the transport and technology, but when it comes to fashion little is changing?
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The woman still have big dresses and the men have their typical clothing also. Fashion is changing the whole time, but they obviously didn’t pay attention on it. They even thought that there wouldn’t exist any books, and that students would have some kind of helmets that gives them the information they need right to their brains.
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You will see how hilarious their thoughts of the future was, and how wrong you can take. And we still are wrong about the future, about robots doing everything in year 2012.

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