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Langsung daftar aja gan, Gratis+dapat 10$!!!
WordLinx isn't just another PTC. We've been online for over 9 years offering completely unique advertising not available anywhere else!
Don't miss out! Take advantage of our incredible deals before your competitors do! Features include...
1. Social Link Sharing!
With our Standard Ads (only 1 cent each!) your link will be shared by our members on social networks, generating an UNLIMITED stream of targeted visitors for free!
Don't just settle for paid-to-click views! Also promote your adverts to real people on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more at no extra cost!
2. Pro Membership Benefits!
WordLinx Pro members can buy advertising at cost price, cheaper than any other PTC network! Buy 1,000 real website visitors for just $1! No fees!
Plus - Save a massive $240 on banner advertising, earn nearly 7 times extra from your referrals and more! Login and click 'My Account > Compare' for details!
3. Unlimited Banner Advertising!
Receive UNLIMITED views and UNLIMITED visitors for an amazing daily rate! Prices start at just $1!
Buy with paypai or directly with your earnings. It's a perfect opportunity to promote your other programs!
Coming soon from the creators of WordLinx...
Our new banner network, Referral Banners will launch on Monday, April 29th. If you buy advertising today you'll earn DOUBLE from your referrals!
Ayo segera bergabung gan

Ni Buktinya Gan, klo ane dapat 10$

Enak to gan emoticon-Ngakak

Referral Banners is currently in pre-launch. The system goes live Monday, April 29th 2013.
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