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Chinese state broadcaster uses Holocaust poem to liken Hong Kong protesters to Nazis
Chinese state broadcaster uses Holocaust poem to liken Hong Kong protesters to Nazis

Chinese state broadcaster CCTV has posted an adapted version of the famous Holocaust poem First They Came … on Twitter, likening Hong Kong's anti-government protesters to Nazis intent on attacking the city's residents.

The poem, posted on Saturday to an account with more than 775,000 followers, claimed that protesters had "trampled the freedom of the press" and "seized and tortured the drivers".

The original version of the poem, written by German pastor Martin Niemoller and popularised after World War II, is about the moral cowardice of German intellectuals who did not act to stop Nazi persecution of minority groups based on their political and religious views.

It has also been interpreted as a warning against the creeping political apathy that led to the horrors of the Holocaust. Versions of it are displayed at the United States Holocaust Museum in Washington and the Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem in Jerusalem.

More recently, protesters in the US have held placards at rallies that use the poem to refer to US President Donald Trump's verbal attacks on minority groups including women, disabled people, Muslims, African-Americans and immigrants.

Many Twitter users from Hong Kong and elsewhere were angered by the state broadcaster's tweet, saying the poem had been used in a highly inappropriate context.

One Twitter user, Marina Rudyak, responded: "Please CCTV, don't misappropriate this text. Neither the author nor the historical context deserve it. It was written as a statement of the powerless to the powerful. Hong Kong police is powerful. The Legislative Council is powerful. The CCP is powerful. So please, don't."

Writer Frankie Huang said: "How dare they hijack and sully these famous words?? This is disgusting."

In recent days, Chinese state media has ramped up its anti-protest propaganda on English-language social media channels such as Twitter, which is blocked in mainland China.

On Saturday, CCTV's English-language arm, CGTN, posted a Chinese rap song directed at anti-government protesters who for months have taken to the streets of Hong Kong. The demonstrations were triggered by a now-shelved extradition bill that would have allowed criminal suspects to be sent to mainland China.

The rap song's lyrics, with English subtitles, suggested that American forces were behind the protests, and compared demonstrators to terrorists in the Middle East:

Once I heard you be found in the Middle East / People were throwing bombs across the city streets … / Now you be found in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Jewish Community Centre and the United Jewish Congregation of Hong Kong, as well as several synagogues in the city, have been contacted for comment.

Copyright (c) 2019. South China Morning Post Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.

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li.xiao.longAvatar border
TSnya itu bajingan idiot sinophobia pemuja bule barat kulit putih !!!!
dulu bajingan bule inggris pakai taktik kotor masukkan opium ke china
Perang Opium , Penyebab Dikuasainya Hong Kong oleh Inggris .
Dari tahun 1898 hingga 1997, Hong Kong disewakan kepada Inggris
tgl 1-juli-1997 China ambil balik Hong Kong dari inggris

]orang Hongkong itu masih tak berani belajar cara hadapi fakta & kenyataan bahwa Hongkong itu udah diambil alih oleh China 1-july-1997

diu nei lo mo ..

benar2 lucu waktu demonstrasi org2 hongkong itu ada yg klaim " Hongkong is part of Britain " bukan part of China sampai bawa2 bendera Inggris
makanya org2 hong kong itu pantas di sebut anjingnya inggris

Dogs of British Imperialist

org2 hongkong itu lupa waktu zaman penjajahan kolonial Inggris di hongkong
pemimpin di hongkong ( gubenur ) itu saja tak pernah dipilih oleh rakyat hongkong sendiri
melainkan dipilih oleh baginda ratu Inggris
jadi apa salahnya China ikut cara Inggris ..

ini list gubenur hong kong yg dipilih oleh kolonial inggris bukan rakyat hong kong ( dari tahun 1841-1997)
semuanya bule inggris

Governor of Hong Kong

China take over hong kong tgl 1-july-1997 ..berakhirlah zaman penjajahan kolonial inggris

suruh aja org2 hong kong itu mewek merengek2 minta bantuan pada baginda ratu Inggris
Inggris eropa itu aja mengemis bantuan pada China untuk berinvestasi dalam sebuah skema bantuan bagi negara Eropa yang mengalami krisis utang.

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Help us out, Europe begs China:
China Menguasai Eropa Sejak 2005 [list]

dalang rusuh di hongkong itu adalah bajingan bule inggris & bule amerika

orang pintar berpendidikan sudah tahu itu semua adalah propaganda dari bule barat yg ingin membendung kemajuan kehebatan china
sinophobia tolol saja yang tidak tahu itu

kalau ada kaskuser yg mau dukung hongkong merdeka
suruh aja kaskuser itu dukung papua merdeka,aceh merdeka,maluku merdeka dll

emoticon-fuck yang dukung separatis itu pantas di sebut bajingan idiot !!!!
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