Ok, DC fanboy nation. Here is the story you have been waiting for. Over the weekend, on a cold Saturday afternoon, I went into Brooklyn to drop in on @da7e and shoot our latest video blog. We were looking for a comic book st... NUMPANG NGAKAK KERAS-KERAS DOLO :ngakak :ngakak :ngakak DUA EPISODE = DUA KEKALAHAN :mewek #PENALTYFC :beer: VISCA BA12CA #ALASANFC VISCA 13ARCA :2thumbup :2thumbup :2thumbup
gimana gan ada yang bisa bantu ane :bingungs coba kasih judulnya bro, agan kijang92 kan mau bantu ntuh ;) Johan kajur gan? serem amat :takut: yoi, Johan kajur :takuts :takuts walaupun kena bantai di dalem, untungnya lulus :Yb
ijin gabung disini ya parah sepuh pes :malus btw ada yg punya beginian tapi yg chelsea ? boleh donk dishare :o Real Madrid Yang mau, download langsung disini
RT @TransferNewsCen: Confirmed: Johan Djourou has joined Hannover 96 on a 6-month loan deal. . "I joined the club who wanted me the most" RT @TransferNewsCen: Joe Cole has joined West Ham as confirmed by the Chairman's son. RT @TransferNewsCen: Corinthians have finally confirmed the tra
IGN : Ne Yo LINK : ID kaskus : N U E V O absen dulu masbro , makin rame ini server :kiss
banyak banget yang make 3rd program di eden.. kemaren udah nemuin beberapa char, nicknya pendek cuman 3 character huruf, equipnya set craft warna oranye :| ngendok di arid, tab -> oil bomb -> momon mati -> tab -> oil bomb -> dst mohon ditindak lanjuti oleh pihak winner, gak enak ba...
Absen... Nick : HeLLaQueZ Lvl : 50 - 43 Class : Warrior FULL TANK :ngakak bah temennya wilsen .. btw nanya donk changelogs buat maintenance tadi apa yak ? ada ngepatch dikit kan ?
sandaraaaa :genit:
wohoooooooo... Liam Neeson is back :D paling demen ama quotenya om Liam Neeson pas nelpon Bryan: I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for ransom, I can tell you I don't have money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I ...
HULK manaaaa.. di anak tiri-kan wah iye, hulknya gak ada ya maybe sekitar 2014.. btw jangan lupakan upcoming movie Black Phanter & Ant-Man walaupun masih rumor sih :o