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11-12-2015 22:49

The Big Short (2015) | Christian Bale,Ryan Gosling,Brad Pitt

The Big Short (2015) | Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Steve Carell
The Big Short (2015) | Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Steve Carell

The Big Short is a 2015 American biographical comedy-drama film written and directed by Adam McKay. It is based on the 2010 book of the same name by Michael Lewis, about the financial crisis of 2007–2010 by the build-up of the housing and credit bubble. The film stars Christian Bale, Steve Carell, Ryan Gosling, and Brad Pitt. The film will be released on December 11, 2015, by Paramount Pictures.

The Big Short describes several of the key players in the creation of the credit default swap market that sought to bet against the collateralized debt obligation (CDO) bubble and thus ended up profiting from the financial crisis of 2007–2010. The book also highlights the eccentric nature of the type of person who bets against the market or goes against the grain.

The work follows people who believed the bubble was going to burst, like Meredith Whitney, who predicted the demise of Citigroup and Bear Stearns; Steve Eisman, an outspoken hedge fund manager; Greg Lippmann, a Deutsche Bank trader; Eugene Xu, a quantitative analyst who created the first CDO market by matching buyers and sellers; the founders of Cornwall Capital, who started a hedge fund in their garage with $110,000 and built it into $120 million when the market crashed; and Dr. Michael Burry, an ex-neurologist who created Scion Capital despite suffering from blindness in one eye and Asperger's syndrome.

The book also highlights some people involved in the biggest losses created by the market crash: like Merrill's $300 million mezzanine CDO manager Wing Chau; Howie Hubler, infamously known as the person who lost $9 billion in one trade, the largest single loss in history; and Joseph Cassano's AIG Financial Products, which suffered over $99 billion in losses.

Adam McKay

Dede Gardner
Jeremy Kleiner
Arnon Milchan
Brad Pitt

Christian Bale as Michael Burry
Steve Carell as Mark Baum
Ryan Gosling as Jared Vennett
Brad Pitt as Ben Rickert
Selena Gomez as The Girl
Karen Gillan as Evie
Melissa Leo as Georgia Hale
Jeremy Strong as Vinny Daniel
Finn Wittrock as Jamie Shipley

Paramount Pictures


Official Site | Imdb

The Big Short (2015) | Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Steve Carell
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The Big Short (2015) | Christian Bale, Ryan Gosling, Brad Pitt, Steve Carell
27-12-2018 22:39
Quote:Original Posted By rizal99
wah gw telat nih baca ini thread. telat 2 tahun hahaha

btw gue suka ini film, sebagai trader amatir film ini lumayan menghibur

Mending ente trader. Ane awam super idiot nan bodoh soal ekonomi2an.. wkwkwk
Ane barusan nonton di hbo apa fox gitu..
Di tengah2 ane searching istilah2 itu, tetep bodoh kaga tau.. wkwk

kenapa si bale dimarahin itu pun ane masih belum paham apa alasannya. Ane baru bener2 tau inti cerita pas si brad pitt marahin 2 orgnya yg nari2 karena dianggap bahagia di atas penderitaan jutaan orang yg hilang pekerjaan dan rumah. "Ooh.. jadi ini yg dilakukan mereka selama ini"

Tapi ane suka film kaya gini, terutama si steve carell ngumpat2 shat shit shat shit.. wkwk. Seru.

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26-01-2021 02:23
@leoril buset 3 tahun baru jawab.. ane udah tahu dari kapan tahun lalu... emoticon-Ngakak (S) tapi butuh 5 kali nonton (serius, sambil di pause2) & ngobrol sama temen ane di sekuritas biar paham.
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