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18-01-2021 12:38

Wanita Kulit Hitam Amerika bertengkar dengan Netizen Indonesia

Quote:An American woman has sparked heated debate on social media after a thread about her move to Bali went viral.

It seems she may have picked the wrong platform to gush about her new home. While her 20-tweet thread may have worked as an Instagram caption about making dreams come true, over on Twitter people had other thoughts.

The woman in question has since locked her account, but here’s a summary of the thread: after spending most of 2019 out of work, she and her girlfriend decided to try out Bali for six months, where she became a self-employed graphic designer and managed to live in a “treehouse” for just $400, compared to a $1,300 LA studio they were in before. They have now been there for a year, and she says that they are living an “elevated lifestyle” and that Bali was “the perfect medicine” for her physical and emotional health.

She lists the benefits of living in Bali as: safety, low cost of living, luxury lifestyle, queer-friendly, and goes on to share her positive experience as a Black woman with the Black community there. To close out, she links to her ebook Our Bali Life is Yours which helps other people to achieve the same dream. It is currently for sale for $30.

The backlash was immediate, with thousands of replies and quote-tweets, many of which were highlighting the impact that relatively wealthy American migrants have on local communities and gentrification.

yes, krn mereka sering pake race card dalam segala hal
maka perlu diisi black nya, black american woman

debatnya masih hangat di twitter
cari porno di twitter, eh liat trending bali
ada apa, ketemu perdebatan ini

akhirnya BLM dan Antifa ketemu lawan padannya
Netizen Indonesia emoticon-Ngakak

intinya begini, si black american woman ini bercerita, dia bisa hidup mevvah di bali dengan biaya kecil, dan menjual ebook, mengajak orang di sana berama-ramai ke bali, di tengah penanggulan pandemi

nah ini kemudian dikritik oleh netizen indonesia, kemudian bertanya tentang apa dia sudah bayar tax, ini adalah kesalahan, krn mengajak orang untuk masuk di tengah situasi covid, kemudian ditanya visa, dll

sparknya, karena mereka langsung menuduh indonesia anti black, krn kritikan tsb

akhirnya backlash lah netizen indonesia, hal ini bukanlah tentang race tapi yang dimaksud di atas, seluruh netizen akhirnya ikutan topik ini

mampus mampus mampus

siapa suruh dikit-dikit play victim race,
ini bukan amerika bung
farhan.faf dan 18 lainnya memberi reputasi
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Wanita Kulit Hitam Amerika bertengkar dengan Netizen Indonesia
18-01-2021 12:54
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muhamad.hanif.2 dan KurohinaM1911 memberi reputasi
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18-01-2021 13:01
Kapan lagi bisa hidup cukup mewah dengan gaji standar negara amerika di Indonesia emoticon-Ngakak
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