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Freeport Unveils Indonesia Price But Plenty Left to Resolve
Spoiler for berita aslinya:

1. Freeport made it clear that there are still big issues to be resolved. They include: finalizing the company’s long-term rights in Indonesia until 2041, negotiating terms that would allow Freeport to maintain operational control once it’s no longer the biggest stakeholder, and coming to an agreement on environment matters, including its treatment of tailings waste.
2. Freeport has received assurances “that we will find a resolution of the environmental issues that will be acceptable for all parties,” Adkerson said. The company was blindsided by new regulations around tailings wasteearlier this year and he has insisted its right to dump and store much of the waste in a local river system be grandfathered.
3. “This is significantly less than many people in Indonesia were expecting and nowhere near the “completion of divestiture by the end of July” referred to in the numerous statements from Government officials over the past few months,” Bill Sullivan, a lawyer specializing in mining at Christian Teo & Partners in Jakarta said by email. The deal is likely “a face-saving strategy for the Government and designed to give the President some “political cover” for next year’s elections,” he said.
1 freeport mensyaratkan alih saham hanya bisa dilakukan selama control operasi tetap ada di tangan freeport.
2. freeport ingin jaminan buang limbah di sungai di bikin fixed, alias tidak bisa diubah meski nanti ada peraturan perundangan yang baru
3. perjanjian ini jauh dari klaim, bahwa freeport SUDAH setuju dengan divestasi 51% saham. perjanjian ini hanyalah " “a face-saving strategy emoticon-Tai" pemerintah menghadapi pemilu tahun depan 
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