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The New Lenovo Community - Part 2

The New Lenovo Community - Part 2

Disini tempat berkumpul, dan berbagi informasi untuk semua pengguna produk konsumer lenovo maupun calon pengguna produk lenovo.
Asal Usul Nama "Lenovo"
Kata LENOVO diambil 2 kata dalam bahasa latin, yaitu Le dan novo. Le berarti Legend(Legenda) dan novo berarti New(Baru), sehingga jika di gabungkan menjadi New Legend(Legenda Baru). Namun dalam bahasa cina bisa juga berarti "pemikiran terhubung yang menghasilkan kreativitas"
Spoiler for Lenovo Superfish adware/malware issue:
detail info : http://news.lenovo.com/article_displ...rticle_id=1929
affected models :
Superfish may have appeared on these models:
G Series: G410, G510, G710, G40-70, G50-70, G40-30, G50-30, G40-45, G50-45
U Series: U330P, U430P, U330Touch, U430Touch, U530Touch
Y Series: Y430P, Y40-70, Y50-70
Z Series: Z40-75, Z50-75, Z40-70, Z50-70
S Series: S310, S410, S40-70, S415, S415Touch, S20-30, S20-30Touch
Flex Series: Flex2 14D, Flex2 15D, Flex2 14, Flex2 15, Flex2 14(BTM), Flex2 15(BTM), Flex 10
MIIX Series: MIIX2-8, MIIX2-10, MIIX2-11
YOGA Series: YOGA2Pro-13, YOGA2-13, YOGA2-11BTM, YOGA2-11HSW
E Series: E10-30
Detailed information on these activities and tools for software removal are available here:
Mohon dibaca sebelum gabung or posting di Thread ini, rules ini bukan untuk mengekang, tapi untuk menjaga ketertiban kita bersama
1. MOHON LIHAT PAGE ONE DULU SEBELUM BERTANYA , di pageone semua sudah diusahakan disusun serpih mungkin dan diberi warna MERAH biar jelas
2. Dilarang junk post (HADIAH: auto BATA , no warning)
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8. Postingan yang berisi foto/gambar/dsb, harus menggunakan spoiler
9. Untuk Review dan tutor disarankan menggunakan IMAGE HOSTING yang berkulaitas *biar ga cepet ilang* (ex: flicker, imageshack)
10. Gunakan bahasa yang baik & sopan (Bila perlu, tambahkan Smiley Kaskus agar tidak terjadi salah paham)
11. Penghuni disini berhak untuk tidak menjawabpertanyaan agan jika pertanyaan agan sudah ada di page #1
12. Rules dapat ditambahkan jika diperlukan
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14. TS & member yang lain juga punya kehidupan selain ngaskus, mohon bersabar ato up pertanyaan ya kalo belum terjawab

*Peraturan ini dibuat untuk kebaikan dan kelangsungan komunitas ini, mohon untuk dipatuhi.
Recommended Laptops :
note :
1. rekomendasi bisa berubah, sering2 cek pejwan
2. khusus seri G40, banyak yang bilang layarnya kurng bagus, TES sebelum beli ya agan2, caranya ganti2 wallapaper (thx to agan rionvoir & herloct)
3. khusus g40-45 : buat yang mau beli tipe ini, CEK SEGALA SESUATU NYA DI TOKO. seri ini banyak yang komplain tp banyak juga yang bilang bagus.
4. Z40-75 banyak user bilang gradasi warna jelek kaya g40-45. CEK SEGALA SESUATU DI TOKO sebelum mutusin beli seri ini.
5. Lenovo AMD laptop sebaiknya jangan beli online untuk menghindari sakit hati layar gradasi.
pick carefully!
sorted by price lowest-highest
Lenovo S215-6495
AMD E1 2100 1.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, AMD Radeon HD 6310M, 11.6" WXGA, DOS
Lenovo S210 2961
Intel Celeron 1037U, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA Intel HD Graphics, Screen 11" Wide LED, DOS
Lenovo Edge E145-5IA / 6IA
AMD A4 5000 1.5Ghz, 11.6" WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, AMD Radeon HD 8330G, DOS
Lenovo G400-0670 Pentium G2020
Pentium G2020 2.4Ghz, 14.1" WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, AMD Radeon HD 8570 2GB, Wifi, Camera, DOS
Lenovo G40-70-4329
Core i3 4010U 1.7Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, Integrated Intel HD 4x series, DOS
Lenovo G40-70-4354
Core i3 4010U 1.7Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, AMD R5 M230 2GB, DOS
Lenovo Edge E445-B00 / 51A
AMD A8 4500 1.9Ghz (51A AMD A8 5550 2.1Ghz ), 14.1" WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, AMD Radeon HD 8570M 1GB, DOS
Lenovo Ideapad G400s-5681
Intel Core i3 3110M-2.4Ghz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, DVD/RW, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14” LED, Windows 8.1 SL
Lenovo G400-0670 Core i3
Intel Core i3 3110M-2.5Ghz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA AMD RADEON HD8570-2GB, Screen 14” LED, Dos
Lenovo IdeaPad S410P-8757
Intel Core i3 4010M-1.7GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14" Wide LED, DOS
Lenovo Edge E440 U02
Intel Core i3-4000M, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Intel HD 4600 Graphics, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo G410-0016
Core i5 4200M 2.5Ghz, 14.1" WXGA, 2GB DDR3L, 500GB, AMD Radeon HD 8570 2GB, DOS
Lenovo G400-0670 Core i5
Intel Core i5 3337-1.8Ghz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA AMD RADEON HD8570-2GB, Screen 14” LED, Dos
Lenovo B40-70
Core i5 4200U 1.6Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M239 DDR3L 2GB, DOS
Lenovo IdeaPad S410P Core i5
Intel Core i5 4200U-1.60GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14" Wide LED, DOS
Lenovo G40-70
Core i5 4210U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M230 DDR3 2GB, DOS
Lenovo Ideapad Z410
Intel Core i5-4200M, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GT740M 64-bit 2GB, 14-inch HD LED, Win 8
Lenovo G40-70-2541
Intel Core i7-4500U, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, VGA AMD Radeon M230 2GB, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E440-S00 / Q01
Core i5 4300M 2.6Ghz (Q01 Core i5 4200M), 14.1" WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, GT740M 64-bit 2GB, Fingerprint, DOS
Lenovo Ideapad Z410-0663
Intel Core i7-4702MQ, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GT740M 2GB, 14-inci HD LED, DOS
Lenovo Flex 2
Core i5 4210U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, Nvidia Geforce 840 2GB, 14" WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8.1
Lenovo IdeaPad S410P Core i7
Intel Core i7 4500U-1.80GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14" Wide LED, Windows 8.1
Lenovo Edge E440 RIF / 2IF
Intel Core i5-4300M (2IF Intel Core i5 4200M) , 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Fingerprint, Intel HD 4600 Graphics, 14" WXGA, Win 7 Pro
note :
*harga cuman perkiraan, harga pasti cek ke dagang masing2 yak
note :
1. rekomendasi bisa berubah, sering2 cek pejwan

2. khusus seri G40, banyak yang bilang layarnya kurng bagus, TES sebelum beli ya agan2, caranya ganti2 wallapaper (thx to agan rionvoir & herloct)
3. khusus g40-45 : buat yang mau beli tipe ini, CEK SEGALA SESUATU NYA DI TOKO. seri ini banyak yang komplain tp banyak juga yang bilang bagus.
4. Z40-75 banyak user bilang gradasi warna jelek kaya g40-45. CEK SEGALA SESUATU DI TOKO sebelum mutusin beli seri ini.
5. Lenovo AMD laptop sebaiknya jangan beli online untuk menghindari sakit hati layar gradasi.
pick carefully!
Spoiler for 3.xxx.xxx - 5.xxx.xxx:
sorted by price lowest-highest
Lenovo S215-6495
AMD E1 2100 1.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, AMD Radeon HD 6310M, 11.6" WXGA, DOS
Lenovo S210 2961
Intel Celeron 1037U, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA Intel HD Graphics, Screen 11" Wide LED, DOS
Lenovo Edge E145-5IA / 6IA
AMD A4 5000 1.5Ghz, 11.6" WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, AMD Radeon HD 8330G, DOS
Lenovo G400-0670 Pentium G2020
Pentium G2020 2.4Ghz, 14.1" WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, AMD Radeon HD 8570 2GB, Wifi, Camera, DOS
Lenovo G40-70-4329
Core i3 4010U 1.7Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, Integrated Intel HD 4x series, DOS
Lenovo G40-70-4354
Core i3 4010U 1.7Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, AMD R5 M230 2GB, DOS
Lenovo Edge E445-B00 / 51A
AMD A8 4500 1.9Ghz (51A AMD A8 5550 2.1Ghz ), 14.1" WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, AMD Radeon HD 8570M 1GB, DOS
Lenovo Ideapad G400s-5681
Intel Core i3 3110M-2.4Ghz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, DVD/RW, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14” LED, Windows 8.1 SL
Lenovo G400-0670 Core i3
Intel Core i3 3110M-2.5Ghz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA AMD RADEON HD8570-2GB, Screen 14” LED, Dos
Lenovo IdeaPad S410P-8757
Intel Core i3 4010M-1.7GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14" Wide LED, DOS
Lenovo Edge E440 U02
Intel Core i3-4000M, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Intel HD 4600 Graphics, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Spoiler for 6.xxx.xxx - 8.xxx.xxx:
Lenovo G410-0016
Core i5 4200M 2.5Ghz, 14.1" WXGA, 2GB DDR3L, 500GB, AMD Radeon HD 8570 2GB, DOS
Lenovo G400-0670 Core i5
Intel Core i5 3337-1.8Ghz, RAM 2GB, HDD 500GB, VGA AMD RADEON HD8570-2GB, Screen 14” LED, Dos
Lenovo B40-70
Core i5 4200U 1.6Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M239 DDR3L 2GB, DOS
Lenovo IdeaPad S410P Core i5
Intel Core i5 4200U-1.60GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 500GB, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14" Wide LED, DOS
Lenovo G40-70
Core i5 4210U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, 14” WXGA, ATI JET LE R5 M230 DDR3 2GB, DOS
Lenovo Ideapad Z410
Intel Core i5-4200M, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GT740M 64-bit 2GB, 14-inch HD LED, Win 8
Lenovo G40-70-2541
Intel Core i7-4500U, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, VGA AMD Radeon M230 2GB, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E440-S00 / Q01
Core i5 4300M 2.6Ghz (Q01 Core i5 4200M), 14.1" WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 1TB, GT740M 64-bit 2GB, Fingerprint, DOS
Lenovo Ideapad Z410-0663
Intel Core i7-4702MQ, 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Nvidia GeForce GT740M 2GB, 14-inci HD LED, DOS
Lenovo Flex 2
Core i5 4210U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, Nvidia Geforce 840 2GB, 14" WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8.1
Lenovo IdeaPad S410P Core i7
Intel Core i7 4500U-1.80GHz, RAM 4GB, HDD 1TB, VGA nVidia GT720M-2GB, Screen 14" Wide LED, Windows 8.1
Lenovo Edge E440 RIF / 2IF
Intel Core i5-4300M (2IF Intel Core i5 4200M) , 4GB DDR3, 1TB HDD, Fingerprint, Intel HD 4600 Graphics, 14" WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Spoiler for 9.xxx.xxx - 1x.xxx.xxx:
Spoiler for AMD:
Spoiler for Intel:
note :
*harga cuman perkiraan, harga pasti cek ke dagang masing2 yak

Lenovo Indonesia Official Media :

Blog Resmi Lenovo Indonesia
Lenovo International Official Media :

Link - Link Penting :
1. Thread Khusus Lenovo / IBM ThinkPad
2. Download Center Driver Lenovo
3. Daftar Store Resmi Lenovo
4. Blog Resmi Lenovo
5. Cek Status Garansi Resmi
6. Call Support Center Lenovo Indonesia
7. Overclocking Guide AMD APU Llano by agan coxoncoumo
8. Update garansi lenovo (perlu scan invoice & S/N laptop)
9. Hardware maintenance manual
10. Notebook CPU Benchmark List
11. Notebook VGA Benchmark List
12. tips SSD on linux (ubuntu) thanks to agan herloct

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