Bohemia Interactive announces the brand new installment in its hugely successful realistic military simulator series
Prague, Czech Republic 19th May - Bohemia Interactive, the award-winning independent Czech development studio, is pleased to announce the development of Arma 3, the brand new installment in its series of critically acclaimed realistic military simulators.
Combining over 10 years of experience, building upon the strength of its predecessors, and set in the most detailed environment of the series to date, Arma 3 offers gamers radical engine improvements and a unique sandbox-style military gameplay experience.
The next chapter of this stunning military simulation game is scheduled for release exclusively for PC in 2013.
SURVIVEin the rich & authentic environment ADAPT to the unsurpassed experience of modern ground combat WIN in the open-ended & story-driven campaign
Some of the key features of Arma 3 include:
Single-Player Campaign - Evolve from a lone prey into a military commander in the open-ended & story-driven campaign. Vehicles & Weapons Control a multitude of aircraft, vehicles and ships with accurate simulation; shoot anything from pistols to sophisticated weapon platforms. Physical Simulation & Improved Animations Take advantage of PhysX supported vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system. Rich & Authentic Environment Explore an unsurpassed military combat experience set on an authentic Mediterranean island modelled from real geographic data. Multiplayer Gameplay Experience both cooperative & competitive scenarios with the full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux. Completely Extensible & Moddable - Design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor. Customizable Soldier Load - Choose your uniform; assemble your weapon kit; change your load-out; get loaded up.
======================================================== New Engine Featured
Game engine:
Physical simulation & improved animations:
Take advantage of PhysX supporting the vehicle simulation, in-game interactions and the revamped animation system.
Stereo sounds for weapons and vehicles estimated to use around 50 samples for their engine and exhaust, and 20 samples for the wheels on differing terrain.
New system of hearing weapon reports at different ranges, with distance attenuation and filtering
Artistic direction:
The game will feature more powerfull sounds, similar to popular sound mods.
The sources for much of the audio are also more authentic. Ambient sounds such as the sea, insects, winds, footsteps, etc have been recorded on Lemnos.
Heat haze effect
Customizable Soldier Load:
Choose your uniform (2), assemble your weapon kit, change your loadout, get loaded up.
Multiplayer Gameplay:
Challenge both cooperative & competitive scenarios with full support of dedicated servers for both Windows and Linux.
Completely Extensible & Moddable:
Design & create countless customizable scenarios using the intuitive & easy-to-use mission editor.
OS: Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1
PROCESSOR: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz / AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
GRAPHICS: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT / ATI Radeon HD 3830 / Intel HD Graphics 4000
DirectX® 10
HARD DRIVE: 15 GB free space
HARD DRIVE (ALPHA): 10 GB free space
AUDIO: DirectX® compatible on-board
OTHER: Internet connection and free Steam account to activate
OS: Windows Vista SP2 / Windows 7 SP1
PROCESSOR: Intel Core i5-2300 / AMD Phenom II X4 940
GRAPHICS: Nvidia GeForce GTS 560 / AMD Radeon HD 7750
DirectX® 11
HARD DRIVE: 25 GB free space
HARD DRIVE (ALPHA): 20 GB free space
AUDIO: DirectX® compatible soundcard
OTHER: Internet connection and free Steam account to activate
NOTEPettka has confirmed that PhysX in Arma3 works fine on systems with ATI/AMD cards. PhysX will be handled by your CPU(processor) and not your GPU (video card)
Campaign / Main Story
ARMA 3 bersetting di pertengahan 2030an, dimana pasukan NATO di deploy di sekitar Kepulauan di Laut Aegean Yunani untuk menghadang Invasi besar Pasukan Republic Iran dari timur.
Selama singleplayer campaign, Player akan memainkan karakter seorang pasukan Khusus Inggris yaitu Kapten Scott Miller.
Diawal cerita, player harus bisa bertahan hidup (Survive) setelah pasukan NATO gagal dalam sebuah operasi militer.
Player akan menghadapi banyak misi-misi, misalnya misi Lone-Wolf Infiltration sampai misi dimana player harus memimpin operasi tank besar-besaran.
player bisa memilih sendiri beberapa objektif misi dan persenjataan (semacam UAV, Artillery dan Air Support).
di hantui oleh krisis ekonomi dalam waktu yang singkat, para negara anggota NATO semakin lemah di hadapan negara republik Iran yang ambisius,
Iran yang di banjiri keuntungan yang didapatkan dari penjualan sumber daya alam ke asia tenggara + harga minyak yang sangat tinggi, dan juga Hubungan Khusus dengan China dan Russia, membuat Iran semakin berambisi untuk meng-ekspansi pengaruhnya.
Turki yang dilanda beberapa kejadian alam besar dapat dengan mudah di taklukan oleh pasukan Iran yang secara licik menggunakan kedok Operasi kemanusiaan untuk memasuki wilayahnya.
tidak sampai di situ, ekspansi Iran yang agresif juga sudah mulai merambah ke beberapa wilayah di pesisir dan pulau-pulau Yunani, tapi berhasil di hadang setelah adanya perjanjian strategis Jerusalem 2034,
dengan Amerika Serikat yang hanya bisa berfokus untuk menghadang pengaruh China di pasifik, dan semakin banyak Negara-negara yang keluar dari keanggotaan NATO demi Minyak Russia.
Apakah Aliansi yang sedang pecah ini bisa menghadapi konflik Global yang semakin dekat dan nyata??
Blufor = NATO, USA + United Kingdom
Spoiler for BluforSS:
The troops serving under NATO’s Mediterranean Joint Force Command are deployed across the North and South Aegean municipal regions of Greece. Bases across the archipelago – a strategic borderline between NATO and Iranian influence – are in a state of alert, following a period of heightened tension since The Jerusalem Peace Accord of 2034.
The serving contingent is a composition of elements of the reactivated US 7th Infantry Division (7th US Army Europe), primarily tasked with the security and maintenance of Air Station Mike-26 – a critical part of NATO’s radar shield – and providing air support in the Aegean Sea region
Redfor = CSAT ( Canton Strategic Alliance Treaty )
Spoiler for RedforSS:
The presence of Iranian Armed Forces in the Aegean is estimated to consist of a battalion-sized combined fighting force with conventional capabilities. This deployment is concentrated around a newly constructed military base, adjacent to a former NATO/Greek air force base (ICAO: LGLM). The majority of this force is designated to base perimeter protection and a counter-insurgency campaign, fending off the threat posed by an active local resistance movement.
The equipment and order of battle of the Iranian troops is reportedly compliant with the common Resource Zone Protection Force structure, including enhanced defensive, ELINT and SIGINT capabilities. Due to the proximity of the Turkish coast, the force is estimated to be fairly well supplied.
Blufor = Freedom and Independence Army
Believed to be chiefly composed of former and defected members of the Altis Armed Forces, disparate fragments of opposition to the 2026 Kavala coup d'etat joined together in the grind of bloody civil war.
United in pursuit of the removal of the military-backed government and the rejection of external influence - despite recent setbacks - the FIA have begun to gain traction among the largely displaced population of the Republic and has found international support in the west.
Although the exact size of the FIA remains unknown - with evidence of cells operating across the entirety of Altis - they have remained a veritable thorn in the Pyrgos government’s side. As to the question of their namesake, rumours harken back to stories of resistance cells of the same name opposing Soviet occupation at the height of the Cold War.
Spoiler for FIA:
Independent = Altis Armed Forces
In the wake of civil war, the Jerusalem Cease Fire of 2030 mandated the creation of an armed defence force to secure the sovereign territory of The Republic of Altis and Stratis.
Although it officially operates under the observation and training of international peacekeepers, the force remains loyal to the new, hard-line Altis government and acts with de facto judicial and executive authority. However, it is debilitated by an inexperienced command structure and is blighted by widespread corruption.
Limited in scope, the battalion-sized force, led by Col. Georgious Akhanteros, is weighed-down by on-going counter-insurgency operations on Altis and, recently, has reached-out to the international community for additional support including, among others, both the political and militarized wings of CSAT member states and associated private investment companies.
Q: gan kok, ane bingung ya maennya, controlnya banyak banget A : haha itu pertanyaan Classic gan, dibiasain aja gan, kenali satu2
Q : gan , ini kok ane mati mulu sih, ga keliatan musuh dimana, tau-tau mati A : emang bgtu gan maennya ini Arma,namnya juga milsim itu bukan bug ato
apa, tapi ente di tembak musuh, makanya yg jeli, watch every sector,
kontak dengan musuh ga kyk game2 shooter lainnya, di arma mah
paling banter 75-150 meter kontak musuh juga udah bisa dibilang deket Q : gan katanya bisa nyelem , caranya bgimana?? A : ya nyebur ke air gan
Q : gan ini game bisa pake Mod ga?? A : bisa banget gan, kebetulan ini game sandbox capability, jadi bisa
pake mod
Q : gan mission editor itu apa ya ??? A : editor itu tempat buat bikin custom mission gan, elu bisa buat
misi2 bikinan elu sendiri terserah... jadi bisa bikin itu misi pake
objective + task, buat storyline, campaign... bebas ... misi SP
maupun MP
Q : gan ente, itu ganteng ya A : iya gan, ane juga tau
Mod, Misi2 baru Singleplayer or Multiplayer , Addons Unit, Weapon, Script, Tool
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