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- Series & Film Asia
[Discussion] Thailand Movie Lover's [Sawadee Krap] ~ Please Come In !
[Discussion] Thailand Movie Lover's [Sawadee Krap] ~ Please Come In !
ยินดีต้อนรับ เราเป็นคนที่รักภาพยนตร์ประเทศไทยอินโดนีเซีย
Welcome, we are Indonesian people who love Thailand Movies
Hot News from Thailand Movie Lover's @ Indonesia
Welcome, we are Indonesian people who love Thailand Movies
Hot News from Thailand Movie Lover's @ Indonesia
Premiere : The Swimmer [estimated : September 2014 @ Blitzmegaplex]
The mysterious about two swimmers, Perth (Chutavuth Pattarakampol) and Tan (Thanapob Leeratanakajorn) who's best enemy and true friend. They efforts race to quotas for university. Although Perth's trying to do but he can't beat Tan's talent. Including about secretly love between Perth and Tan's girlfriend, Ice (Supassra Thanachat) which she has feelings for him as well.
But then, Ice committed suicide with mystery in the pool. Perth's secrets were revealed because of something terrible. Including Tan's feud who wants revenge for his girlfriend.
The Swimmer Trailer
[Image Gallery of The Swimmer]
Apakah kalian sadar belakangan ini karena jasa blitzmegaplex, kita bisa nonton banyak film Thailand nih ...,kalo saya pikir ada beberapa faktor yang membuat kita suka film Thailand:
Do you ever realize ? Because of Blitzmegaplex' kindness, we can watch so many Thailand movie here in Indonesia ..., I Think there is several factors, why we love Thailand Movies :
~Suasana dan budaya yang mirip dengan Indonesia~
Similiar Culture and Environment between Indonesia and Thailand
Similiar Culture and Environment between Indonesia and Thailand
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~Cerita yang disampaikan berkisar pada kehidupan sehari-hari~
Based from Daily Life Stories
Based from Daily Life Stories
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~Selera humor sineas Thailand yang mantab !~
Hilarious and Great Jokes From Thailand Movie Maker's
Hilarious and Great Jokes From Thailand Movie Maker's
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