![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/www.japanator.com/ul/29204-yes-kamen-rider-gaim-gets-more-details-and-urobuchi/gaim_whole_logo-noscale.jpg)
Setelah banyak rumor yang beredar seperti Rider bersenjatakan kunci, Rider bermahkota sama Rider tarian break dance,akhirnya TOEI secara resmi mengumumkan bahwa Kamen Rider Gaim adalah serial Kamen Rider setelah WIZARD
Serial Kamen Rider kali ini bertema prajurit berbaju zirah/Martial Arts
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/i.imgur.com/mV4EdH9.jpg)
Spoiler for Bukti:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/4.bp.blogspot.com/-6Xw6IxkYr2I/Ubk0RHCOJJI/AAAAAAAAxgE/qSa57Zb12Ng/s1600/gaimu.jpg)
After all the rumors we had in the past week, TOEI had finally registered the copyright and trademark for the 2013-2014 Kamen Rider series. He will be called KAMEN RIDER GAIMU. It will also be having the kanji 鎧武 for Armored Warrior/Armored Martial Arts.
via Henshin Justice
Skenario Kamen Rider Gaimu Ditangani Gen Urobuchi
Spoiler for Skenario Kamen Rider Gaimu Ditangani Gen Urobuchi:
Seri Kamen Rider yang baru akan segera hadir, Kamen Rider Gaimu akan menggantikan Kamen Rider Wizard dalam waktu dekat.
Tokoh utama Kamen Rider Gaimu adalah Kazuraba Kouta yang diperankan oleh Sano Gaku. Sabuk Kamen Rider Gaimu akan dinamakan Sengoku Driver dan dengan menggunakan mode Lock Seed and Knife Cut, dia dapat berubah menjadi kamen rider. Karena kamen rider kali ini bertemakan military officer jaman sengoku dan buah tidak sedikit fans yang menganggap Gaimu akan menjadi Kamen Rider ‘Fruit Ninja’.
Namun, sepertinya fans masih bisa berharap lebih, karena ternyata skenario Kamen Rider Gaimu ditangani oleh Gen Urobuchi, yang terkenal dengan seri Puella Magi Madoka Magica dan Fate/Zero. Kamen Rider Gaimu akan menjadi debut penulis cerita yang memiliki nama panggilan ‘Urobutcher’ ini dalam menulis skenario untuk serial Tokusatsu.
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/i2.wp.com/jurnalotaku.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/urobuchigen.jpg?resize=640%2C593)
Sejauh ini telah diumumkan dua kamen rider yang akan menjadi rival dari Gaimu, yaitu kamen rider Baron dan Kamen Rider Ryuugen. Kamen Rider Baron, Kumon Kaito akan diperankan oleh Kobayashi Yutaka, dia mengenakan armor dengan motif western, arms changenya bernama Banana Arms, sedangkan Kamen Rider Ryuugen, Kuershima Mitsuzane akan diperankan oleh Takasugi Mahiro dan memiliki armor bermotif chinese dan memiliki arms change bernama Grape Arms.
Kamen Rider heisei ke 15, Kamen Rider Gaimu, diperkirakan akan mulai tayang pada tanggal 6 Oktober tahun ini
sumber: tv-asahi
Desain, Para Pemeran, dan Sinopsis
Spoiler for Desain, Para Pemeran, dan Sinopsis:
Mengenai desainnya, bisa dilihat di bawah ini:
Spoiler for Desain Gaimu dan Secondery Rider:
Akhirnya keluar juga desain resminya. Mantab!
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/2.bp.blogspot.com/-pIvLqlIw1sY/Ue6ae22WS9I/AAAAAAAAy6E/pv82SgxxoOU/s400/gaimu3.jpg )
Here it is folks! Kamen Rider Gaimu, the 15th Heisei Kamen Rider was finally revealed! As stated in previous information, it will be using fruit-theme, and as well as being a samurai of some sort.
Kamen Rider Gaimu transforms using the Sengoku Driver by inserting a Lock Seed into the driver and then cutting the fruit part by the Knife Cut. Gaimu's belt will be released by October while Lock Seeds are ring-like items that are available in both Capsule and Candy versions on November and December.
Since Kamen Rider Wizard will have at least 51 episodes, Kamen Rider Gaimu is expected to premiere by October.
Kamen Rider Gaimu's Official Logo, Second Rider Unveiled
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/3.bp.blogspot.com/-NwuPtz9fZvY/Ue8hQP8YExI/AAAAAAAAy6U/n_fcwxK16a8/s400/gaimu_secondary_rider.jpg)
After we get our first look at Kamen Rider Gaimu, and now here were are introducing the unnamed secondary rider. Unlike Gaimu who is of orange and blue, the second rider will have red and silver color scheme.
Additionally, on the right is the show's official logo.
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/3.bp.blogspot.com/-iUm1T9rUSr0/Ue8iSCVLJ8I/AAAAAAAAy6g/1ExwP1qoZGs/s1600/kamen+rider+gaimu+logo.jpg)
Kamen Rider Gaimu transforms using the Sengoku Driver by inserting a Lock Seed into the driver and then cutting the fruit part by the Knife Cut. Gaimu's belt will be released by October while Lock Seeds are ring-like items that are available in both Capsule and Candy versions on November and December.
Since Kamen Rider Wizard will have at least 51 episodes, Kamen Rider Gaimu is expected to premiere by October.
Para Pemeran:
Spoiler for Para Pemeran:
Sano Gaku is Kamen Rider Gaim, Other Cast Revealed
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/1.bp.blogspot.com/-wIDddXXqZl4/UfDOPiIJ1cI/AAAAAAAAy-o/77W-rI2s2IE/s400/603396_512965722116331_1639640520_n.jpg)
TV Asahi had opened a new webpage for the 15th Heisei Kamen Rider series, KAMEN RIDER GAIM, revealing the show's cast and their respective roles. The show will premiere this October 6th.
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/1.bp.blogspot.com/-MPWUbvO25oY/UfDSTSSRQRI/AAAAAAAAy_E/FCyj9wpF8Mg/s400/1374735673606.jpg)
Kamen Rider Gaim is Kota Kazuraba, played by Sano Gaku (Sousa Chizu no Onna, GTO 2012). Other riders are Yutaka Kobayashi will Kaito Kumon/Kamen Rider Baron, and Mahiro Takasugi (35-sai no Koukousei) as Mitsuzane Reshima/Kamen Rider Ryugen.
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/3.bp.blogspot.com/-Tlp9_t-GgD4/UfDSC0Yd-XI/AAAAAAAAy-8/uW1luzHMZwI/s400/1374735905707.jpg)
Additional cast includes Yumi Shida as Mai Takatsukasa, Yuki Kobota (GARO, Kamen Rider THE NEXT, An Assassin) as Takatora Kureshima, KANON as Chucky, MIINA as Rika, Ren Ozawa as Rat, Gaku Matsuda as Zach, Momose Saku as Peko, Rika Izumi as Akira Kazuraba, Tomohisa Yuge as Kyojiro Bando, Kazuki Namioka as Lock Seed Dealer, and Yamaguchi Tomomitsu as DJ Sagara.
To premiere on October 6th, Kamen Rider Gaim will be directed by Ryuta Tasaki (Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger) with scripts from Gen Urobochi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet). The show was produced by Motoi Sasaki (TV Asahi) and Naomi Takebe (Toei).
Spoiler for Sinopsis:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/3.bp.blogspot.com/-o4S_QIcPhKc/UfDWGl4ibZI/AAAAAAAAy_U/j76XtsoiLr0/s1600/gaim-photo01.jpg)
Along with the cast list of the 15th Heisei Kamen Rider series, KAMEN RIDER GAIM, here are some additional details for the new Kamen Rider. Introduced in today's press event are five individual Kamen Riders.
The setting is a emerging city apparently controlled by a corporate giant. Bored kids uses street dance to pass time. They also use small monsters called Inbess, which came from another dimension and hold secret battles. But there are risks in using these as larger holes became a passage for larger and powerful monsters to get to our world.
To fight these Kamen Rider Gaim will stand up as a hero for justice!
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/4.bp.blogspot.com/-IXg0CphH0RQ/UfDYSwwjZmI/AAAAAAAAy_k/630IFpUn4kg/s400/gaim2.jpg)
Using the Sengoku Driver which cuts the Lock Seed and opening a small hole to this other world, the user can transform to one of these: Kamen Rider Gaim, who uses the "Orange Lock Seed" and the "Pineapple Lock Seed" to summon "Orange Arms" and "Pineapple Arms", Baron, a Western Armor motif and uses the Banana theme; the Chinese Armor motif Ryugen who uses Grapes, Griton who uses Coconut, and Zangetsu who uses Melon.
Kamen Rider Gaim is Kota Sakuraba, the 2nd dancer for "Team Gaim" but eventually stopped playing the game and left to look for a job, and protect his lonely sister. He's a nice guy, and "protecting people" is his very reason in fighting. He accidentally found the Sengoku Driver.
Kamen Rider Balon is Kaito Kumon, the leader of "Team Baron", Team Gaim's rival. Growing up as a poor guy, he always believed that the weak warriors are exploited. He is now hungry for power.
Kamen Rider Ryugen is Mitsuzane Kuwashima, a member of Team Gaim and Kota sees him as his younger brother. Though he kept this as a secret, in reality, he is the son of the leader of the Yggdrasil Corporation and attends an elite high school. He wants to live freely won't accept the path established for him.
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/1.bp.blogspot.com/--hu2kqVx6tA/UfDoJhzXqVI/AAAAAAAAzAU/63qPEgg92i4/s400/gaim3.jpg)
An aspiring pro dancer and a childhood friend of Kota, Mai Takatsukasa takes care of all of the members of Team Gaim. Though he thinks of Kota as her rival, she actually adores him.
Kamen Rider Zangetsu is Takatora Kureshima, Mitsuzane's older brother and holds a high position at the Yggdrasil Corporation. Although he is a ruthless realist, he still loves his family.
Other members of Team Gaim are: Chucky the top-level dancer, the easy-going and not so good dancer Rika, and the team's mood maker, Rat. Meanwhile, other members of Team Baron are the loyal and trustworthy Zach, who's the 2nd-in-command, and Peko who plots to win at Inbess Games in a makeshift fashion.
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/3.bp.blogspot.com/-68jLI-MIYno/UfDnpo8M2LI/AAAAAAAAzAM/_0a1WiBH2BU/s400/gaim4.jpg)
Supporting cast includes Kota's sister Akira Kazuraba who works as an office worker at a subsidiary of Yggdrasil, and Kiyojiro Bando, the owner of a fruit parlor "Droopers". Team Gaim are regular customers at Kiyojiro's Droopers.
As always, there are mysterious characters in the show. Sid, the Lock Dealer, who sells Lock Seeds to young guys to facilitate their Inbess Games. Definitely having a motive behind all of this, no one really knows where he gets them. Lastly, there's pirate radio DJ Sagara who incites the excitement in joining Inbess Games, and making it fashionable.
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://dl.kaskus.id/4.bp.blogspot.com/-hKfb9N6b7zs/UfDnQ9_ysNI/AAAAAAAAzAE/BaV2S1I8VFM/s400/%E6%B9%98%E5%8D%97%E4%B9%83%E9%A2%A8_A2013.jpg)
To premiere on October 6th, Kamen Rider Gaim will be directed by Ryuta Tasaki (Hikonin Sentai Akibaranger) with scripts from Gen Urobuchi (Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet). The show was produced by Motoi Sasaki (TV Asahi) and Naomi Takebe (Toei). Shounan no Kaze will be singing the main theme.
Original Posted By celso.petso►Promo dari Gaim Special 
low quality version
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054211.jpg)

low quality version

Spoiler for Gaim Special:
Spoiler for All Riders:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054113.jpg)
Spoiler for Gaim:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054211.jpg)
Spoiler for Baron:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054340.jpg)
Spoiler for Anggur:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054517.jpg)
Spoiler for Melon:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054556.jpg)
Spoiler for Pineapple Form:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054240.jpg)
Spoiler for HorseRiding:
![[CONFIRMED] (2013-2014) KAMEN RIDER GAIM](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/08/25/1240510_20130825054731.jpg)
Tautan unduh:
Saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada beberapa user yang mencantumkan gambar dan infomasi seperti chupear, XIV14, celso.pesto, yang berkomentar di thread ini, yang membaca di thread ini, dan yang melihat thread ini.
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