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☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃

☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/1.bp.blogspot.com/-zhbPV9fWtSk/UaRSNapVFGI/AAAAAAAAAG8/k8boMsvqHqk/s1600/cropped-monster1.jpg)
Haypi Monster adalah sebuah game monster collectionpaling populer untuk iPhone / iPad / iPod. Game ini sama seperti Pokemon, dimana kita dapat menangkap monster yang kemudian dapat kita gunakan untuk melawan player lain dengan strategi nya masing - masing.
Download | Official Forum | Haypi Monster Guide | HM Spreadsheet
Haypi Monster adalah sebuah game monster collectionpaling populer untuk iPhone / iPad / iPod. Game ini sama seperti Pokemon, dimana kita dapat menangkap monster yang kemudian dapat kita gunakan untuk melawan player lain dengan strategi nya masing - masing.
Download | Official Forum | Haypi Monster Guide | HM Spreadsheet
- No junk, flamming, SARA, dsb
- No double posting. Kalo double / triple posting mohon di edit
- No lapak jualan!!
- Dilarang menggunakan huruf yang besar - besar dan warna yang mencolok!
- Perkenalkan diri agan dan saling menghargai sesama pemain
- Have fun
★Version 1.4★
1. Player level cap raised to 40.
2. Monster level cap raised to 60.
3. Weekly PVP Rank Rewards added.
4. Return gifts are now available for veteran players who return to the game. To qualify, their last login must be on or before May 1st, 2013.
5. Two new scenes now available: Holy Ruins and Barren Land.
6. New monsters available: Pattapilla, Pattafly, Sneopard and Clawpard.
7. New monster skills are available: Electrocute (Electric), Vengeance (Physical), Nature Boost (Plant), Punishment (Ghost), Magic Mirror (Psychic), Mirror Shield (Psychic), and Waterspout (Water).
8. New mystery talents available: Rage, Bolster, Purify and Madness.
9. Skill Upgrade feature added.
10. Monster Rewards now reward the scroll of the legendary monster Leviathan.
11. Players are now able to obtain Crystal by passing all veteran mode challenges.
12. Players can obtain Setanic Scroll by passing all expert mode challenges.
13. Players are now able to encounter and capture legendary monsters randomly during their challenges.
14. Lock feature added. Players can now lock their monsters to protect them from being accidentally sacrificed, synthesized or sent as gifts.
15. New items available in the Honor section of Shop.
1. Lowered the difficulty of certain levels.
2. Mystery talents are now color-coded by rarity.
3. Hippogon can activate the new mystery talent Rage.
4. Improved the balance of Fernir and Gryphion’s potential mystery talents.
5. Improved the balance of skills by adjusting certain stats, (i.e. PP and hit rating etc.)
6. Increased the effects of the mystery talents Hypnosis Jinx-I, Hypnosis Jinx-II, Thorn-I, Thorn-II, and Ice Therapy-I.
7. PVP Arena 2v2 matches have been improved. Teams will be matched according to whichever player has the higher PVP score.
8. Monster genders are now directly viewable on the Monsters page.
9. Monster count added to the Monsters page.
EVENT : Dragon Boat Festival Activity
Dear Monster Trainers,
We are kicking off an activity to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. In order to prepare the activity, we’ll perform maintenance on all servers from 5 AM to 7 AM on June 9th GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Once the maintenance is over, Crystal Chests will be on sale at 50% off. This sale will last until 5 AM on June 13th GMT. During the activity, Crystal Chests will be filled with Essence of Life, Essence of Wisdom, and Boss Essence instead of normal drops!
Players will also receive a free Crystal Chest and Crystal Key every single day during the activity! These gifts will be sent to you as mail attachments, so please leave enough space in your mailbox to claim them.
Happy Dragon Boat Festival, enjoy your monster adventures!
Best Regards,
Haypi Monster Team
★Version 1.4★
1. Player level cap raised to 40.
2. Monster level cap raised to 60.
3. Weekly PVP Rank Rewards added.
4. Return gifts are now available for veteran players who return to the game. To qualify, their last login must be on or before May 1st, 2013.
5. Two new scenes now available: Holy Ruins and Barren Land.
6. New monsters available: Pattapilla, Pattafly, Sneopard and Clawpard.
7. New monster skills are available: Electrocute (Electric), Vengeance (Physical), Nature Boost (Plant), Punishment (Ghost), Magic Mirror (Psychic), Mirror Shield (Psychic), and Waterspout (Water).
8. New mystery talents available: Rage, Bolster, Purify and Madness.
9. Skill Upgrade feature added.
10. Monster Rewards now reward the scroll of the legendary monster Leviathan.
11. Players are now able to obtain Crystal by passing all veteran mode challenges.
12. Players can obtain Setanic Scroll by passing all expert mode challenges.
13. Players are now able to encounter and capture legendary monsters randomly during their challenges.
14. Lock feature added. Players can now lock their monsters to protect them from being accidentally sacrificed, synthesized or sent as gifts.
15. New items available in the Honor section of Shop.
1. Lowered the difficulty of certain levels.
2. Mystery talents are now color-coded by rarity.
3. Hippogon can activate the new mystery talent Rage.
4. Improved the balance of Fernir and Gryphion’s potential mystery talents.
5. Improved the balance of skills by adjusting certain stats, (i.e. PP and hit rating etc.)
6. Increased the effects of the mystery talents Hypnosis Jinx-I, Hypnosis Jinx-II, Thorn-I, Thorn-II, and Ice Therapy-I.
7. PVP Arena 2v2 matches have been improved. Teams will be matched according to whichever player has the higher PVP score.
8. Monster genders are now directly viewable on the Monsters page.
9. Monster count added to the Monsters page.
EVENT : Dragon Boat Festival Activity
Dear Monster Trainers,
We are kicking off an activity to celebrate the upcoming Chinese Dragon Boat Festival. In order to prepare the activity, we’ll perform maintenance on all servers from 5 AM to 7 AM on June 9th GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Once the maintenance is over, Crystal Chests will be on sale at 50% off. This sale will last until 5 AM on June 13th GMT. During the activity, Crystal Chests will be filled with Essence of Life, Essence of Wisdom, and Boss Essence instead of normal drops!
Players will also receive a free Crystal Chest and Crystal Key every single day during the activity! These gifts will be sent to you as mail attachments, so please leave enough space in your mailbox to claim them.
Happy Dragon Boat Festival, enjoy your monster adventures!
Best Regards,
Haypi Monster Team
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a1770.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/105/Purple2/v4/d4/68/6d/d4686d7e-b79b-2bf0-72b4-b8eed51b1918/mzl.lxkylhjk.320x480-75.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a771.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/106/Purple2/v4/6f/72/2c/6f722c11-e4b2-4058-9df6-1b931d0b78b6/mzl.mbpewetq.320x480-75.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a1131.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/108/Purple2/v4/1c/52/a6/1c52a64a-145e-a53b-f2bc-ac455422ce78/mzl.fdvqkgnc.320x480-75.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a586.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/098/Purple/v4/dd/e3/42/dde34295-7ec2-f539-48c5-9d0ccf436166/mzl.qlfiglcw.320x480-75.jpg)
1. Ladder itu apa sih gan?
Ladder itu Activity dimana agan akan melawan orang lain, dan setiap menang, agan akan merebut posisi dari orang tersebut. Misal posisi agan sekarang di 400, terus lawan orang di posisi 350, kalo agan menang posisi agan akan langsung pindah ke 350.
2. Terus fungsi dari Ladder apa?
Setiap hari akan ada Rewards sesuai dengan posisi agan di Ladder. Semakin tinggi posisi di Ladder semakin baik juga Rewards nya.
3. Cara evolusi monster gimana?
Prinsip nya hampir sama kaya pokemon dimana monster agan bisa evolusi kalo udah mencapai level tertentu. Namun ada beberapa monster yang membutuhkan Catalystbuat evolusi.
4. Semua monster bisa evolusi gan?
Tidak semua monster bisa evolusi. Untuk evolusi dan persyaratan level nya, bisa di cek dengan klik monster agan, terus pilih yang gambar buku di kiri bawah.
5. Cara cek kelemahan setiap elemen gimana?
Ke Menu -> Tips
6. Monster dan element paling bagus apa gan?
Menurut ane sih ga ada paling bagus atau paling jelek ya. Semua nya tergantung dari strategi agan. Monster Legendary pun bisa dikalahkan monster Epic kl strategi nya benar
7. Cara dapetin Seal Card gmn?
Bisa didapet dari Quest atau Chest. Atau kl agan spender lebih gampang lg, tinggal beli di Shop
8. Gmn cara melihat Invite Code kita?
Ke Menu -> Friends -> Add Pal -> Pilih salah satu
Nanti disana keliatan Invite Code kita
Spoiler for :
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a1770.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/105/Purple2/v4/d4/68/6d/d4686d7e-b79b-2bf0-72b4-b8eed51b1918/mzl.lxkylhjk.320x480-75.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a771.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/106/Purple2/v4/6f/72/2c/6f722c11-e4b2-4058-9df6-1b931d0b78b6/mzl.mbpewetq.320x480-75.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a1131.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/108/Purple2/v4/1c/52/a6/1c52a64a-145e-a53b-f2bc-ac455422ce78/mzl.fdvqkgnc.320x480-75.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a586.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/098/Purple/v4/dd/e3/42/dde34295-7ec2-f539-48c5-9d0ccf436166/mzl.qlfiglcw.320x480-75.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://dl.kaskus.id/a982.phobos.apple.com/us/r1000/094/Purple2/v4/08/c0/e0/08c0e054-1adf-90e9-3a9a-0797526d367f/mzl.dgnedfqq.320x480-75.jpg)
Spoiler for Daftar Pemain:
- Vallesti | Server 18 | Invite Code : 1b3bp | Nick Kaskus : Vallesty
- Chesaki | Server 18 | Invite Code : h1ia | Nick Kaskus : diodiodio
- Eindolon | Server 18 | Invite Code : 19cfz | Nick Kaskus : Eindolon
- diospada | Server 18 | Nick Kaskus : dioespada
- imNoboDy | Server 18 | Invite Code : 1atqd | Nick Kaskus : FaLLenShadoW
- laihoo | Server 18 | Invite Code : 19mhg | Nick Kaskus : aalaiho
- Wyrawan | Server 18
- Roleno | Server 18 | Server 18 | Invite Code : 19j1i | Nick Kaskus : Laszlo.
- tenyom10 | Server 18
- farrel1grady | Server 6 | 5m23 | Nick Kaskus : farrel1grady
- Eternia | Server 6 | 17v8s | Nick Kaskus : Vallesty
- zinogre1 | Server 18 | Nick Kaskus : PbramBella
- Belphagor | Server 39 | Nick Kaskus : adityaydhstra
- nevcrew | Server 33 | Nick Kaskus : tonghoo
- Arrasy | Server 30 | Nick Kaskus : forrestboy
- ariady | Server 126 | Invite Code : 18net | Nick Kaskus : hynx
- kennyhimawan | Server 126
- Undergrown | Server 126
- kinzen | Server 126
- edrian7 | Server 126
- ReynaldiH | Server 126
- zuperiniesta | Server 18 | Nick Kaskus : zuperiniesta
Spoiler for FAQ:
1. Ladder itu apa sih gan?
Ladder itu Activity dimana agan akan melawan orang lain, dan setiap menang, agan akan merebut posisi dari orang tersebut. Misal posisi agan sekarang di 400, terus lawan orang di posisi 350, kalo agan menang posisi agan akan langsung pindah ke 350.
2. Terus fungsi dari Ladder apa?
Setiap hari akan ada Rewards sesuai dengan posisi agan di Ladder. Semakin tinggi posisi di Ladder semakin baik juga Rewards nya.
3. Cara evolusi monster gimana?
Prinsip nya hampir sama kaya pokemon dimana monster agan bisa evolusi kalo udah mencapai level tertentu. Namun ada beberapa monster yang membutuhkan Catalystbuat evolusi.
4. Semua monster bisa evolusi gan?
Tidak semua monster bisa evolusi. Untuk evolusi dan persyaratan level nya, bisa di cek dengan klik monster agan, terus pilih yang gambar buku di kiri bawah.
5. Cara cek kelemahan setiap elemen gimana?
Ke Menu -> Tips
6. Monster dan element paling bagus apa gan?
Menurut ane sih ga ada paling bagus atau paling jelek ya. Semua nya tergantung dari strategi agan. Monster Legendary pun bisa dikalahkan monster Epic kl strategi nya benar

7. Cara dapetin Seal Card gmn?
Bisa didapet dari Quest atau Chest. Atau kl agan spender lebih gampang lg, tinggal beli di Shop

8. Gmn cara melihat Invite Code kita?
Ke Menu -> Friends -> Add Pal -> Pilih salah satu
Nanti disana keliatan Invite Code kita

Spoiler for Build:
Original Posted By diodiodio►Felicity
Buat pvp ini jurus andelan ane gan, agan taruh aja 3 beginian di dual mode, setiap turn gunain foresight, maka pp skill yang digunain lawan berkurang 5 pp nya per turn, tanpa bisa ngehit ane
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613051725.jpg)
Ini counternya vertedeath, dijamin sekali tembak modar vertedeath gan..
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613051551.jpg)
Flush Ini counternya pod gan, di ladder momon lawan terus terusan cast pod sampai modar, bug nya begitu sih gan
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613052820.jpg)
Ini pressure vertedeath andalan ane di ladder dan pvp gan, selain defence dan mag defence serta healthnya yang tinggi, ada foresight dan pressure juga, pastinya ga ada pod ga lengkap gan.
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613053808.jpg)
Kalau ini andelan ane buat hard hitter gan, talent magic force 3 ditmbah skill magic terkuat, pod juga
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613054125.jpg)
Nah ini hypno jynx badak dan lawan hanya berpasrah kalau kena sleep saat ngehit momon ini
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613054251.jpg)
Lain - lain
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613054528.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613060108.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613060153.jpg)
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613060236.jpg)
Yang lain menyusul satu persatu gan..
Buat pvp ini jurus andelan ane gan, agan taruh aja 3 beginian di dual mode, setiap turn gunain foresight, maka pp skill yang digunain lawan berkurang 5 pp nya per turn, tanpa bisa ngehit ane
Spoiler for Felicity - pressure:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613051725.jpg)
Ini counternya vertedeath, dijamin sekali tembak modar vertedeath gan..
Spoiler for Felicity - mag force 2:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613051551.jpg)
Flush Ini counternya pod gan, di ladder momon lawan terus terusan cast pod sampai modar, bug nya begitu sih gan
Spoiler for Felicity - flush:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613052820.jpg)
Ini pressure vertedeath andalan ane di ladder dan pvp gan, selain defence dan mag defence serta healthnya yang tinggi, ada foresight dan pressure juga, pastinya ga ada pod ga lengkap gan.
Spoiler for Vertedeath- pressure:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613053808.jpg)
Kalau ini andelan ane buat hard hitter gan, talent magic force 3 ditmbah skill magic terkuat, pod juga
Spoiler for Vertedeath - magic force 3:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613054125.jpg)
Nah ini hypno jynx badak dan lawan hanya berpasrah kalau kena sleep saat ngehit momon ini
Spoiler for Vertedeath - hypno jynx 2:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613054251.jpg)
Lain - lain
Spoiler for Meniss- hypno jynx 2:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613054528.jpg)
Spoiler for Flight- tech2:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613060108.jpg)
Spoiler for Neon - Accelerator:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613060153.jpg)
Spoiler for Draco- Adaptability:
![☃ [iOS] Haypi Monster Official Thread ☃](https://s.kaskus.id/images/2013/06/13/280858_20130613060236.jpg)
Yang lain menyusul satu persatu gan..


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