Q: Server apa ini gan?
A: NA gan global
Q: CBTnya kapan gan?
A: Dah selesai
Q: Kalo OBTnya?
A: 25 April 2012
Q: Gan ini sama Glory Destiny beda nya apa gan
A: Beda server , Game play juga ada sedikit berbeda
Q: Perbedaanya apa aja gan
- Skill bisa di kilk melalui shortcut tidak lagi kilk kanan melelahkan
- Pot tidak ada otomatis lagi
- Nanti ya blom coba main soalnya
Q: Ini bahasa apa?
A: English
Q: CBT direset ya?
A: CBT pasti direset
Q: Min speed internet brp?
A: Asal ping stabil udah cukup
Q: Gan ane punya guide nih, gmn biar ditaruh page 1?
A: Post dulu guidenya, kalo sudah VM link + judul guide ke saya.
Q: Gan boleh jualan disni ga
A: Ga boleh gan nanti di culik momod lebik baik di FJB online
Q: Gan minta Guide2 nya dong
A: Silahkan cek di post 3 tentang guide
Q: Gan ane mau ikut clan indo gimana?
A: Silahkan cek di post 2 tentang clan
Q: Gan nama saya mau di masukin daftar player gimana?
A: Coming soon
FighterA melee DPS class excels at close-range, direct combat.
Glove A fighter with gloves would defeat all kinds of enemies in front of him.
SwordProvides strong defense for a fighter when used with a shield.
KatanaCould be slashed as fast as wind. When the time comes, a seckill is no longer a problem
Usefulness in the party:TANK DODGE TYPE & MELEE DPS
ShamanA Heal and Support class that benefits other party members with element spells.
Wand: Provides strong defense for powerful Shaman.
Staff: The first choice of a Shaman that dreams of extreme power
Usefulness in the party:SUPPORT & DPS MAGIC
ArcherA Ranged DPS class that used long-distance sharp shooting skills.
Bow: With a light and handy Bow, an Archer could easily shoot any kinds of targets.
Crossbow: A powerful weapon that could break the defense at the first place.
Usefulness in the party:RANGED DPS
WarriorA melee or defense close-range class that withstands major damage in a party.
Warhammer: All other defenses mean nothing in front of a Warhammer.
Polearm: No matter attack or defense, a Polearm weapon is a good choice
Usefulness in the party:MAIN TANK STR TYPE & MELEE DPS
SorcererA class of Magic DPS and Healer that casts Yin and Yang spells.
Wand: Provides strong defense for powerful Sorcerer.
Staff: The first choice of a Sorcerer that dreams of extreme power.
Usefulness in the party: DPS MAGIC & SUPPORT
AssassinA mysterious killer plays as close-range DPS class in a party.
Katana: Kill your enemy in only on strike. To die or to live, it depends on a second.
Dagger: An Assassin with a Dagger always appears in a secret assassination. He could fast leave even if he fails the mission.
SwordBetter used together with a Shield. If an Assassin could not dodge the attack, he could protect himself with the shield.
Usefulness in the party: DPS MELEE
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