is ok i know you're busy person :matabelo: three times "puasa", three times "lebaran" you never come home :mewek :ngakak I'm nervous :malu: :ngakaks i think it's good that mean, people in this thread have their own partner :ngakak Can we use "pantun" in here I b
You're welcome :) Holiday? Nah, i just spun around jakarta :malus Haha...There's no event of "17-an" at all in my neighbourhood. So I think I know what you feel. Kinda miss the childhood time, right? :D Capcay? :bingungs Good. I hope you could reach your dream :) I'm here :D
yeah I consider this thread as good as dead lately :hammer: but hey, you met me :o nice to meet you :D shy to post? nahh there's no such thing as shy here :ngakaks people just getting busy with their love life, come on it's saturday night! haha :D Nice to meet you too :) Does it mean you dont hav
dari reg sebelah ane dapet trik caranya copaste post satu2 Yup, tapi masa iya ada yg sampai segitunya :hammer Bisa posting secara mobile aja dah untung bgt :)
Malam gan :metal Anak baru ijin gabung dan semoga cepet kena sensus :malu Nama ane made reastu panggil aja reas (masih pelajar) tinggal daerah klp 2 Sensus? Sensus apa? Oh itu beneran reastu ya, kiraib typo-nya restu :)
So silent in here Is it because no one here? Or everyone just shy to post Even without care about grammar
jadi ga bisa multi quote ya? susah juga mesti atu2 di quote Mau gimana lagi Memang ndak akan sama dgn versi web-nya
Hmm Sudah mulai terbiasa dgn kaskus versi mobile Kelebihannya bisa tanpa cap cay Kekurangannya multiquite Cocok utk yg tidak ngejar postingan :)
Mr. Sidiq :matabelo: long time no posting with you :matabelo: Welcome sis :D let's practice together :D and good luck for your dream :iloveindonesias I am sorry I really dont have time to posting lately
Dear All Mau Menawarakan Bandwidth via VPN berlaku tetap dan kelipatannya : 1 Mbps Pipa (IIX + IX) = 500rb/bulan , CIR 1:1 SLA 98% simetris trial 1 hari, dan pembayaran dimuka Seluruh Indonesia Server menggunakan koneksi IIX hingga 15 Mbps CIR 1:1 UPS & Genset Backup Link
kaga ngeliat udah di bales :hammer: nyari sodet kudu ke pasar klo aus enak nye minum es masa sih ke condet nyasar kan udah ada GPS :ngakaks Mpok nori maen seluncur es Main terus ampe lemes Boro2 pake gepees Hp aje cuman tlpn n esemes ;)
minum susu sama bencong kasih tau dooong :genit: Mpo nori suka rebahan Kadang bareng ama yg mudaan Agak sulit dijelaskan Tapi ueenak dirasakan :wowcantik
beli celana di kemayoran otot mana yang diregangkan :malu: Beli tahu pake celana Kasih tahu ga yyaaaa :matabelo: