Permisi agan2 sekalian, ane mau numpang jualan barang2 yg ada di rumah ane sekarang karna mau pindah dari Malaysia. Ane tinggal di Bandar 16 Sierra, Puchong. Smua barang umurnya antara 6-8 bulan, sebagian masih ada garansi + kotaknya.. ane bagi link nya aja ya: microwave masih garansi kompor gas ...
good evening all.. just posted something on the other regional and dropped by my own thread and found sooooooooo many junks... :( i hope everyone do well lately.. :)
Malem gan.. Ane pengen nanya, ada yang pernah apply PR Malaysia ga ya? Kalau misalnya ada, berhasil apa nggak? Makasih :malus
seleranya korean bokkk :matabelo: apakah hanya saya orang didunia ini yang tidak memberi sedikit perhatian pun tentang segala-sesuatu-yang-berbau-korea? :( saia jg tak memberi perhatian kepada segala sesuatu yang berbau korea kecuali makanannya... :p misi numpang lwat aja, balik ke trit... :o
^ but i'm just too shy to post in this thread :( because my english is not good :nohope: when i posted in this thread, i had to wait until next day to see if there's any people replied my post :nohope: yeah, like sist cita said, this regional especially this thread has lost some good po...
yea...:ngakak the reason that people reluctant to post here is they have no interest in english and there is no continuing activity that makes this thread sink like a ship. I have observed this Kalbar region, there are only few active kaskusers posting in this region as well as in Lounge, You can...
hi jess :shakehand i live in bandung..but actually im from jayapura :D hbu??? r u originally from KalBar?? yes, originally from Kalbar... :) so, re u still studying or working now?
hi...we haven't met before right?? hi my name is nadia :D/ i guess so... nice to meet you... am jess... u can call me cita as well, just choose which one do you like to call me... so, nadia, where re u?
dunno exactly.,.,., but it's related with design graphics and stuff.,.,.,., :malu: i see.... graphic design is good, so regret that i didnt take that major when i was in university... :( hi everyone :o newbie here :o> it's already tuesday.... 4 days to go to weekend !!! yaaaayy :met...
weww.,., nice.,., my cousin also took a design as her major.,., she is working at the tvr* now.,.,.,:coffee: weww.,.,., go for it brader.,.,.,.,:genit: when you achieve it.,.,.,:o let's go to seafood restaurant to celebratte it.,.,.,:genit: wkwkwk.,.,., that's the plan brader.,.,.,:o eh...
brown and white :matabelo: he must be very noisy with his small voice :ngakaks small body, not small voice... whenever he barks, i guess my neighbors can hear it clearly... :capedes
so, the name pomu cames from pemeranian :D and what colour is he? white? brown? or rainbow? yes... hahaha... he got 4 colours at his early age - dark brown, black, grey and light brown but as he grown up, he is now in brown and white now... :D
and what is he? retriever? huskey? long john? :hammer: mini pomeranian bro... :p cute little and naughty + noisy one...
:ngakaks since my friend's status, "what a smoky road and sunny day", i tot it was a new term of climate :ngakaks --- pomu? he or she? lol.. pomu is a he... spoiled boy... hahaha...
foggy or smoky? :hammer: --- u have a dog or what? foggy, bro.. there's no such word as "smoky" in the weather forecast... :p yes, i hv a dog at home named pomu.. :o