Kalo Sandara Park 2NE1 mah asli gan, mukanya bukan hasil oplas.. :kiss nih pict nya http://kkcdn-static.kaskus.co.id/images/2013/03/07/2241493_20130307015120.jpg
Ane lulusan STAN tahun 2011, gan. Dan sekarang masih galau nungguin info selanjutnya. Hehehehe. Iya, kami memang ada tes CPNS lagi. Buat ane gak masalah sih. Toh, soal USM STAN dulu intinya sama aja kayak tes CPNS. Dan bertahan selama 3 tahun di STAN itu jauh lebih sulit dari tes CPNS. Jadi ya In...
wow, idk there are many differences like that thx god im in west java, lol :ngakaks Ah, so you're from west java. I have a friend from west Java, Bandung to be exact. When we had chat about something, sometimes I laughed because of the word she said was similar to a javanese word, but really...
Wow, there're lots of topics already. I must have been out for so long time :hammers lol, i resides in indo yet i rarely hear that and idk the meaning before you explained it. kinda made me think im dull or sth :ngakaks but its clear now that theyre used heavily in central java Here in east...
So now talking about "janc*k"? hahaha It's quite a bad word actually. It's usually spoken by the Javanese people, especially who live in the east java. It doesn't have any certain meaning, I think it just like a "fu*k" word in English. This word really has bad i...
"No one really texts in the USA" = Not a lot of people text in the USA = Texting isn't popular. Texting REALLY POPULAR here. Everyone under the age of 25 texts like crazy. Only old people don't text. That's why I put that there. Most of my ESL friends from all over have a...
I fixed the article translations. Can someone let me know if they are right ? Tidak ada orang yang benar-benar SMS di Amerika. It sounds weird, but actually I can't understand the English sentence either (No one really texts in the USA) :Yb SMS sudah menjadi modus komunikasi pilihan di Ameri...
that sounds too "prudent" and "stiff" and "grammatically proper". it depends on what kind of image you want to portray tho :Yb what is python code? yea but this is the formal one, another idea : askabule.com - disini tempatnya belajar "english slang" same ...
I'm in the process of swapping out the menus and adding articles to autopublish. Does this sound right for the title "Askabule.com - website mengajar english slang kita semua" I'm also almost done with chapter one of my game. It's coded in python so if anyone knows python...
LOL you mad bro ? :ngakaks i think every nation indeed culture makes one big different each other such as terminology and if you want to know that you must learn our bahasa deeply even you never wont meet difficulty :D Sorry, I don't get what you talk about :capedes It's in the works (t...
Of course. Everyone please ask questions! I've posted 2 more words that I don't understand. Sorry, I asked too many questions :p
To ask a question, yes you have to register. It's pretty easy and quick though. Can someone ask a question so we test it out more? At first, it's quite confusing for me to ask a question, but I managed it I've asked a question there! :) can I ask more questions?
Since you got dibs you should ask the first question. The sample question was posted by me. Ask a question about english slang. You can ask anything since I'm the mod. Hmm what chat/video do Indonesians use? Do we have to register first on that site? For chatting, some people here use Yahoo ...
You should be preparing for the Cambridge First Certificate (FCE) = Level 6 does it count if u take the test over and over.... Ah, same here! I just retook the test but ended up at the same level :ngakaks
I think he's referring to other people like koreans or chinese or whatever who might want to learn slang as well. Btw How did that come from bertemu ? Is that a rule that all ber- becomes ke-? Well, it's not really like that I think. For example, berjalan. It can't be replaced with...
I changed it. It's like that now. I'll upload it soon. That's great then. I'll be waiting :) Yeah, I thought about that. I need to see how this works out first. Btw what's the slang for "have you met him/her?".... do you mean the indonesian slang? I think that...
hehehe i really don't know until now, and i was too lazy to find out what wani piro is. menurut situ gw dari mana? :D Are you from Jakarta? I bet this "wani piro" become popular since one of a smoke commercial break :D am I right?
I think it depends on your future goal of your kids, you want bring them to what culture. As we know, the best time children learning language is under ten. our children will easily get bahasa Indonesia in their daily life (with teacher, friends, mass media, etc), then we can introduce them our m...
hoo so that's wani piro mean :D. i often read it in News Forum, but never understand the meaning. So you really didn't know what "wani piro" is? Whoa, I'm surprised! Where're you come from? that's cool. yeah the name is good. bule is a term by indonesian only t...