Salam Satu HATI , Selamat Siang , Perkenalkan Saya Ibnu Dari Dealer Honda Satrya Delta Persada 🙏 Mohon Ijin Pak/Bu , Jadi Begini , Saya Infokan Bahwa Saat Ini Di Dealer Kami Ada BANYAK PROMO Salah Satunya PCX CBS 160 2024 , UNIT READY , TINGGAL KIRIM , SIAP PARKIR DIRUMAH Bisa Kontak Via Messe...
permisi gan , newbie numpang absen nih , gojekin area surabaya dan sekitarnya ^_^ long live gojek indonesia
komplitin achievement sama wager terus tiap minggu ogitu..ok tks gan , btw ad bonus quest lagi ga ini winter?
Halo, bisa lihat lowongan kerja Gresik di sini ya: khusus lulusan sma bisa di lihat di sini: Semoga beruntung! wah terima kasih gan , ane langsung tkp nih :)
halo gan mau tanya nih , kok bisa lv 60 sih caranya gimana ? ini ane sendiri mentok all quest kelar 3 star cuma lv 36 mohon pencerahannya donk yg baik hati :3
gan kalo ada lowker daerah surabaya - gresik donk , ane lulusan SMA doank , pengalaman kerja cuma 4tahun tolong di infokan . bisa pm juga thanks kaskus
Nama: Ibnu Hajar Adikara ID Kaskus: elitarashisnow Alamat/Kota : Gresik Tujuan di Forum Spiritual : bersembunyi di tempat anti galau Jenis Kelamin: Pria Email: YM: ga ada FB: Twitter: ga ada Foto: ada di facebook
gan tolongin donk , speedy ane kok dc2 trus tiap 15mntan , buat maen game dota 2 jadi abandon trus nih.. ane gabisa marah2..udah berkali kali telp ke cs tetep aja gan bolak balik dc trus.. apalagi diatas jam 12 siang sampe jam 5sore ada solusi ? ane ambil paket 1mbps daerah driyorejo gresik jawa ...
Good day everyone i found something really interesting in our social media that is facebook here's the link i hope you enjoy it :-) we all learners and keep learning ^_^ Best regards " Nu"
Good midnight guys I'm really curious whomever are batman in this forum ? would you mind to give me a nick lists ? to : anyone still awake ;P
ah ic.. when you said gresik, i imagine somewhere near warung pak elan :hammer: hmmm.. do you have any plan to achieve it in near future? if it's desk job, i don't think it really require to able to speak english fluently, unless you work in foreign company or trading company. uhmmm, do you use sky
wow.. so you are staying in Gresik, but you work at PTC? that's quite far :matabelo: what is your dream job, if i may ask? hahahaha.. your high school days sounds interesting :D i want to tidy up my english too, and i know my weakness is grammar, then pronounciation.. my friend who in love with en
Sorry for going off-topic guys, but Smadav is garbage. Please don't use that "anti-virus". It's does a scan and reports false positives, but doesn't actually detect or remove real viruses. Just yesterday I wanted to get my college schedule printed off of my flash drive so I took it to a