Hey, Felipe! Your cover's so great enough! Maybe u can learn from him B_lw-8DdsoI He's Dutch, but he also loves Indo just like u... I can't watch... whats the problem? I'm curious
Verry Nice !!! Saya Sangat Menghargai Anda ... ^__^ Terimakasih telah Menyukai Indonesia ... Salam, Salam!
welcome in 'KASKUS'. The Largest Indonesian Community. I am glad to see someone out there loves Indonesia. Greeting from us for brazilian community... :iloveindonesias:shakehand2 Thankss!! I'm happy to be here :)
http://cdn-u.kaskus.co.id/84/luhgdnq7.jpg see ? we have ronaldinho from indonesia his name ronaldikin :ngakak Yeees, I've heard about that! Just like the original LOL
hopefully you'll come to Indonesia and make a new thread on kaskus lounge "The wonderfull journey in Indonesia" :D Amen!!!
translate to indonesia Hi, saya dari Brasil dan saya mencintai Indonesia Hi ... Saya dari Brasil dan saya mencintai Indonesia. Indonesia yang luar biasa, baik, ramah .... Saya memiliki banyak teman dari Indo di facebook saya dan saya seperti mereka begitu banyak. Saat ini, saya berbicara dengan s...
yes, I'm looking for friends in Indonesia, because Indonesian people is very hummble, may you're lucky enough to visiting Indonesia. Yes! HUMBLE is the word! The thing I most like in Indonesia is people. :addfriends I wanna visit Indonesia and live there for a time.........
hello felipe nice to meet you here, I'm igor from moscow russia... :shakehand2[/QUOTE Russia? What U doing here? :addfriends