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Nge-claim Super
Hi agan/aganwati, jumpa lagi dengan ane emoticon-Cool emoticon-Big Grin

Cuma mo nanya ada yg punya pengalaman ngeklaim super ga ya? Posisi ane skrg di Indo n mo ngeklaim super tapi jadi ribet gini.

Kebetulan super ane sedikit di atas $5,000. Setelah ngecek websitenya ATO maka ane mo ngeklaim secara online (online DASP application) tapi kata perusahaan yg ngelola super ane (HostPlus) di atas $5,000 harus paper claim application.

Ane quote dari emailnya:
"However, you cannot complete an ATO online form if your HOSTPLUS account balance is over $5,000.

HOSTPLUS has specific requirements for your claim due to your balance, so you must complete the paper form attached to this e-mail and follow the instructions that were in our previous e-mail. The ATO online DASP application cannot be accepted in this instance."

Padahal di link ga bilang soal DASP online application buat less than $5,000 super.

Juga di sini, dari email yg ane kirim ke ATO ane quote:
The simplest way to obtain your superannuation refund is to use the Australian Taxation Office's online claim system. This is a free service and your immigration status will be confirmed automatically. Even if you are claiming more than $5,000, you can now apply online. Please click the link below to access the online form:

Jadi bingung soalnya paper claim itu ribet, mesti koresponden ke Hobart n perusahaan super ane segala dan ada fee-nya. Kalo ane dapet semua super ane seh masih ga ini katanya di potong sampe 35%!
Ane masih engkel2an sama HostPlus ini. Apalagi ane liat pengelola super2 laen juga punya aturan yg sama kyk HostPlus.

Ada yg punya pengalaman ato tau seluk beluk soal super?
Thanks yak emoticon-Big Grin

PS: Buat agan sesepuh yg biasanya jalan2 asik sm ane, gimana? Masih berlanjut petualangannya? emoticon-Ngakak
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