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Naze Toudouin Masaya 16-sai wa Kanojo ga Dekinai no ka?
No matter how hard he thinks about it, Todoin Seiya cannot figure out why he doesn't have a girlfriend in his 16-year lifespan. Physically attractive, naturally smart, athletic and, on top of that, comes from a wealthy and politically significant family. And it’s not like he hasn't tried either; but every girl he asks out flat out rejects him. Seiya sets a goal for himself to get a girlfriend by the time high school ends and rejection isn't going to stop him from trying again. But it sure is heartbreaking when you get rejected this many times without knowing why. emoticon-Kissemoticon-Kiss

Ceritanya soal cowok yang mulai putus asa karena ngak juga punya cewek sampai umur 16 tahun...emoticon-Ngakak

Thread pertma ane gan maaf klo emoticon-Blue Repost tolong jangan diemoticon-Blue Guy Bata (L)emoticon-Blue Guy Bata (L)

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Diubah oleh regaikey 31-01-2013 01:50
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