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Share Kata-Kata Bijak dan Motivasi dalam bahasa Inggris (buat Twitter gan )
Buat yg suka kata2 motivasi dan sekalian belajar bahasa Inggris nih gan emoticon-Smilie

Ayo yang bisa nambahin+ bagus ane kasih cendol +1


"Someone who truly loves you sees what a mess you can be,How moody you can get,How hard you are to handle, But still wants you in their life."

"It's better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone"

"Don't think too much. You'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place"

"If you love someone, be brave enough to tell them, otherwise, be brave enough to watch them be loved by someone else"

"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle. Love is a growing up."

"Being nice to someone I dislike doesn't mean I'm fake. It means I'm mature enough to tolerate my dislike towards them."

"If you're brave to say "good bye", life will reward you with a new "hello""

"Learn to appreciate what you have, before time forces you to appreciate what you had. "

Update 15-09-2012

"One man can love a million women in one way but it takes a real man to love one women for a million reasons"

"You can tell as much about a person based on what they say about others, as you can based on what others say about them "

"If you know someone is already taken, please respect their relationship. Don't be the reason to start some drama that's not needed"

"Sometimes life doesn't want to give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more"

"A best friend scolds you like a dad, cares like a mom, teases like a sister, irritates like a brother, & loves you more than a lover"

"Nothing is better than having someone as your lover AND your best friend."

"For every question,there is an answer. For every problem, there is a solution. For everything else, there is an explanation"

"You fight like a married couple, you talk like best friends, and you flirt like first loves, so obviously it's meant to be. "


"When You Accept Someone, You Accept Their Past Too. Don't Hold It Against Them Later"

"Never cry for the person who hurts you. Just smile and say "thanks for giving me a chance to find someone better than you"

"Nothing is better than having someone as your lover and your best friend"

"Sometimes, the problem is the only way to know who sincerely care about you and anyone who pretends to be your friend"


"The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter."

"The choices we make, and the chances we take, determine our destiny"

"Being on top of the world doesn't mean anything unless you know what it's like to be at the bottom"


"A memory is a photograph taken by the heart to make a special moment last forever."

"When you start to miss me, just remember, I didn't run away, I didn't even walk.. you let me go!"


"Don't tell me I've changed when in reality I've just stopped living life your way"


"There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment"

"The best gift you can give someone is a reason to wake up in the morning"

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that"

"If you judge people, you have no time to love them"

"Being with you makes me feel like for once in my life i don't have to try so hard to be happy. It can just happen"

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage"


segitu dulu gan coz baru bikin nih, bakal update tiap hari kok emoticon-Smilie

follow ya @elmidyovic

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