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BRAVO....Iraqi man becomes first migrant to be deported by Hungary under tough new
Iraqi man becomes first migrant to be deported by Hungary under tough new laws

HUNGARY'S controversial krackdown on migrants got under way today as a judge ordered the deportation of an Iraqi man who was the first person to be convicted for illegal immigration under draconian new laws.

BRAVO....Iraqi man becomes first migrant to be deported by Hungary under tough new

A court found the man guilty of the new offence of "illegally crossing the border", which was introduced as part of a raft of measures designed to cut the number of migrants flooding into the country.

The judge ordered that the man, who is believed to have entered Hungary from neighbouring Serbia, be deported from the country and banned from returning for 12 months. He was also ordered to pay £45 court costs.

It was expected that he would be returned to Serbia, although its president has reacted angrily to Hungary's tough new laws and has vowed not to take back migrants who have already left its lands.

The migrant said he was unaware that illegal border crossing was a crime, but the judge rejected his argument, saying: "Ignorance of the law doesn't excuse anybody."

The judge added that Hungary's new 14ft high border fence surrounded by razor wire should have made the man realise that he was not allowed to cross.

His arrest came hours after Hungarian riot police, backed by water cannon and armoured vehicles, moved into position at a border crossing where migrants were demanding they be allowed to cross from Serbia.

A United Nations official said that more than 100 riot police with shields massed behind its barbed wire fence, which was built to keep migrants out. There were reports that some had deployed teargas in a bid to keep the migrants out after they broke through a border gate in the fence.

A spokesman for the Hungarian government said: "There are people armed with pipes and sticks on the Serbian border pelting policemen and trying to get into Hungarian territory. An aggressive group of unidentified illegal migrants is trying to get into Hungary.

He added: "Police is taking lawful and proportionate measures to protect the Hungarian state border and the external frontier of the European Union."

haiyaaa ciilaaka luuwa weelas waaa

Moga2 Bule2 toowlool bise belajar cerdas sebelum betul2 terlambat waaa
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