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drunkard.24hourAvatar border
China ending US Dollar early September

China may be ending dollar’s hold on reserve currency as early as September .
On March 9, sources within China provided new information that validates that the Far Eastern economy is now ready to compete with, or even supplant, the dollar as the sole global reserve currency as early as September of this year. Having already completed a message interchange system that mirrors the same one in the West, the Chinese equivalent of SWIFT is now ready and is expected to be fully operational by the 3rd quarter of 2015, which will allow other nations to transact with the world’s largest economy without the need to purchase dollars as a medium of exchange.

Additionally, there has been a great deal of speculation over the past two years that China might back their currency with gold once they are fully ready to float it as a global reserve, with strong indications showing that at the very least, China will be calling for the use of international letters of credit or trade notes that are backed by gold to help stabilize transactions using this historical form of sound money. Less than a month ago, China’s close partner in Eurasia, Russia, implemented and brought online their own SWIFT alternative after economic sanctions by the U.S. continued into their second year, and information was discovered that pointed towards the NSA monitoring all messages going through the Western controlled SWIFT system.

Even without a complete global float of the Yuan through their own message interchange, China has grown over the past few years to achieve 9% of all global transactions using their national currency. And with dozens of swap lines already in place in banking systems around the world, as well as London banking centers now able to issue Yuan denominated bonds, nearly everything in the global financial system has been mirrored by China to allow them to compete with, or replace, the dollar’s function as the reserve currency. The average lifespan for any purely fiat currency is around 30 years, with the dollar surpassing this by more than a decade due to its place as the global standard for trade and oil purchases. However, now that the world’s financial system has become saturated with overwhelming debt, and most economies solidly entrenched in currency wars, the world is about ready for a return to sound money and a gold backed currency, which China may be providing to their trading partners within six months.

source ..

tidak ada yang mustahil di dunia ini, apa pun bisa terjadi.

kalo itu bisa menguntungkan asia tercinta ini...

udah jelas kita wish supaya terjadilah ...
Diubah oleh drunkard.24hour 04-08-2015 05:36
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