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*Syria Kurdistan Mendeklarasikan Kemerdekaan & Membentuk Pemerintahan Otonomi Resmi*
Syrian Kurds declare autonomy
Syrian Kurds have expectedly annonunced their autonomy in northern Syria's Qamishli.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Syrian Kurds has declared an autonomous state in the northern Syria.

The admisntration was named Cizre Canton and will have 20 different ministers.

The capital of the government wil be in the city of Qamishli, with Ekrem Heso serving as president.

About a month ago, Salih Muslim, the leader of Syria’s most dominant Kurdish party, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), announced that Syrian Kurds are looking to establish three separate autonomous federal states in the country’s north.

The two other provinces are excepted to be Kobani and Afrin.

Syrian Kurds declare autonomy on eve of Geneva 2

The dominant political party in Kurdish Syria, the Democratic Union Party (PYD), blamed regional powers like Saudi Arabia and Turkey, as well as the United States, for blocking its attempts to take part in the convention, which seeks to smooth tensions between warring factions fighting in the country.

In Syria, Kurds make up around one-tenth of the population, and have suffered repression for decades. Since the outbreak of civil war in 2011, Kurds have largely had to fight on their own, as President Bashar Assad’s government has focused on fighting against militants and Islamist groups.

Some Kurdish parties will attend the Geneva talks as entities of the Western-backed National Coalition, though the PYD rejected adhering to any resolutions that are reached in Switzerland.

The talks, set to begin Wednesday, have been preceded by acrimony following a rescinded United Nations invitation to Iran and evidence that appears to implicate the Syrian government in the torture and killing of thousands of detainees.

The PYD is allied with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which has criticized the peace talks for being a choice between two evils for Kurds. The PKK has fought Turkey for over three decades, leading to the deaths of 40,000 people.

"At a time when all sides are being invited to the conference, the Kurds' demand for participation has been overlooked," the PKK said in a recent statement.

The Syrian opposition's “attitude is no different from that of the (President Assad’s) Baath regime. They don't take seriously the demands of the Kurdish people, just like Turkey's attitude."

The PKK likened the Geneva 2 conference to the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923, which is responsible for the modern Iran, Turkey, Iraq and Syria borders, leaving Kurds’ ethnic homeland splintered among the four countries.

Kurds “lived one century suffering the outcomes of Lausanne," the statement said. "Therefore, they will not allow Geneva 2 to be another Lausanne for them."

For thousands of years the majority of Kurds have lived in the so-called Kurdistan Region, an area along the border of four Middle Eastern countries – Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran. The Kurdish population in the region is around 40 million, making Kurds one of the world's largest ethnic groups without its own state.

Sayonara Assad
Sayonara FSA
Sayonara Al-Qaeda

Sayonara & Goodbye...........The Greater Kurdistan Is Coming

We Fight & We Die Only For Our Beloved Homelad The Great Kurdistan

Diubah oleh MuslimAirForce 22-01-2014 13:59
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