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10 besar negara tempat perbudakan modern terjadi (Global Index Slavery)

TEN countries have three-quarters of the world’s 30m slaves, according to the first Global Slavery Index, published by Walk Free, a campaign based in Australia and supported by philanthropists. Its definition of slavery includes coerced work (including provision of sex) and children forced into marriage. Data on these provide the indices for its ranking of 162 countries.

Mauritania comes out worst, with an estimated 4% of the population enslaved. Most are born into slavery—a deeply rooted practice. Children are owned by the same people who own their parents, to be used or sold. Some of India’s 14m enslaved people were also born into slavery, based on caste or other obligations. Others are trapped in debt bondage. This practice has been a crime for nearly 40 years, but the laws against it are poorly enforced.


Index 10 besar

1. Mauritania
2. Haiti
3. Pakistan
4. India
5. Nepal
6. Moldova
7. Benin
8. Côte d’Ivoire
9. Gambia

Peringkat negara favorit BPLN'ers'

24. Thailand
49. Russia
58. Afghanistan
82. Saudi Arabia
84. China
90. Turkey
103. Iran
111. Israel
114. Indonesia
121. Malaysia
134. Amerika Serikat
142. Singapore
0 suara
Negara favorit saya
Diubah oleh Earth.Index 20-10-2013 10:16
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